Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4356: Genius to mediocrity (part 2)

In the 30-year-old Heavenly Sun Realm, although his talents are not wasteful in terms of higher planes, it can be said that one's accomplishments in cultivation cannot go far.

Take Cangling Academy as an example, the Heavenly Sun Realm in the lower court is generally just a top-level student, but it is not top-notch.

The top students in the lower house have a high level of talent in the Tianfu realm or the psychic realm.

It's like Gu Xichun's existence in the psychic realm during the assessment of the five major temples.

And the students in the lower court are just in their teens and 20s.

But a person who only reached the Heavenly Sun Realm before the age of 30, in two years, broke through the Tianfu Realm, the Psychic Realm, then the Divine Realm, the Fetal Primal Realm, and then to the Three Spirit Realm!

How fast is this speed?

Luo Feng's focus is on the joint practice of Taoists. After all, he doesn't know what the purpose of these people is to become Taoists.

Even if it is two men and women with mediocre aptitudes, if they are combined with an enlightened couple, then their cultivation speed will be correspondingly improved.

And Xiao Yu’s concern was not this. He frowned and said, “Although Mu Wanxin’s aptitude is mediocre, but because they are Taoists, no matter how bad they are, Luqiu will not become mediocre. , Why did he reach the Void Spirit Realm in two years?"

Luo Feng was reminded by Xiao Yu, slapped his thigh, and exclaimed: "Yes! According to reason, it shouldn't be like this!"

"Every day either faces death or recuperates. The Mu family still doesn't give cultivation resources, and it relies on themselves. No matter how talented people are, they don't have enough energy and time to practice." Huang Zhe said in a deep voice.

Luo Feng nodded slightly and said, "It seems that it has not been easy for Luqiu here for two years!"

Xiao Yu lowered his head in thought.

He especially remembered that after Lu Qiu and Mu Wanxin practiced together that morning, their mental state was very tired. Xiao Yu was also very strange at the time, but he didn't think too much.

But now, Xiao Yu felt that it seemed to be an abnormal phenomenon!

However, although these are all his own thoughts, Lu Qiu himself said that after he recovers, his cultivation will improve.

Isn't this contradictory?

How can it be so slow if you really grow up?

And it's been two years!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu shook his head even more.

"Since you know that Luqiu is like this, haven't you tried to persuade him? According to reason, Luqiu shouldn't ignore your words!" Luo Feng said.

"Do you think we did nothing?"

Huang Zhe smiled bitterly, and said: "We even asked the Mu family to reason for that kid, but we were all driven out without exception."

"In fact, Luqiu knows this. He knows that the Mu Family used him. He also knows that the Mu Family deliberately lowered the quality of the spirit pill, and also used Luqiu's handle to threaten Luqiu to do things, but what about this?" Qiu Zhang looked helpless and very distressed.

"Should he give up his mother's life and run away by himself?"

"Or talk about it with the Mu Family, and then get kicked out by the Mu Family and take her mother to wander around?"

Luo Feng moved his lips. He wanted to say something, but couldn't say it. Even Xiao Yu's eyes were a little bit bright.

Yes, since Lu Qiu made that step at the very beginning, then he must know that he will be firmly controlled by the Mu Family in the future.

However, this is his own choice!

Theory with Mu Family? Even if the Mu Family admits his own practice, what? Do you ignore your mother and run away? This is a treachery.

Or to be kicked out by the Mu family, and then take his mother to find a fairy and ask?

Isn't this speeding up the death of my mother?

"That silly boy, as long as his mother has a breath, he will do it even if he is desperate! Huang Shenshu is the best example!"

"Are you saying that Huang Shenshu was instigated by the woman Mu Wanxin?" Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and some murderous aura spread.


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