Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4361: Poisoning (Part 1)

After all, Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe have lived a lifetime. They have been calmly showing Luqiu from the beginning to the end of Xiao Yu. They can conclude that Xiao Yu must have some other opposite. What Hu said is Way.

Unexpectedly, they guessed it right.

"Little brother, do you know something? Tell us quickly." Qiu Zhang became anxious.

This young man with extraordinary temperament must know what they don't know, and it is still about Luqiu, otherwise, how could he deliberately make Luqiu go?

Xiao Yu calmly said: "You have also seen just now that the auntie is a kind of poison. This kind of poison cannot even be detected by you or even the powerful people. The reason is very simple. This kind of poison is targeted. of."

"Pertinence? What do you mean?" Huang Zhe's heart moved, his expression changed slightly.

"You mean, someone specially poisoned this kind of poison, and the purpose is to prevent us from discovering it?" Qiu Zhang's expression changed again.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Yes, at the same time I am still wondering if someone specifically targeted Luqiu."

Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang are very smart, so of course they thought of something.

"How is it possible? Dealing with her is equivalent to Luqiu, is it the Mu Family?"

Yes, since it is targeted, it must be targeted at Luqiu, so who will benefit the most? Undoubtedly, it is definitely Mu Family.

But Huang Zhe suddenly realized, "Yes, the Mu family has Luqiu's handle on his body, so this handle can only be Luqiu's mother. Once Luqiu's mother is sick, she needs a pill for a long time. If you continue your life, the Mu Family can suppress and control Luqiu!"

"I understand!" Luo Feng also exclaimed, "Because of this, the level of the spirit pill given to Luqiu by the Mu family is so low. This is to use Luqiu's talent while being able to go at the least cost. Get a reward! This hateful Mu family, hateful female cousin!"

Mu Wanxin needed a talented Taoist companion, so she went to Luqiu.

And because the Mu family needed to provide the spirit pill to Luqiu's mother for a long period of time, it would be a huge consumption if it was calculated for such a long time.

Imagine that this kind of disease requires six-stripe ground spirit pills. Although the quality is not high, it still has certain requirements for alchemists.

So I can also understand why the Mu Family wanted to lower the level of the spirit pill.

It is a pity that in the eyes of Huangzhe and Qiu Zhang, Mu Wanxin has gained enough. In two years, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, but they lowered the standard for Luqiu Lingdan early in the morning. This is a kind of nakedness. Exploitation!

Even Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, who were bystanders, would feel that the Mu Family was simply squeezing Luqiu.

But Luqiu had no choice but to accept it, endure the humiliation, and continue to be a cow and horse for the Mu family. This is also the reason why as an outsider, he was determined to help Luqiu.

However, Qiu Zhang's thoughts moved, and his brows frowned: "If this is the case, it is understandable, but lowering the quality of the spirit pill this year behind the Mu family can already cost Luqiu his mother."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Because the Mu Family knows that you two care about Luqiu very much and help Luqiu secretly, so their quality can be reduced unscrupulously, because if they fall to the ground, Luqiu's mother's life can also be lost. You keep it. In this way, the Mu Family will be able to continue to control Luqiu with the least cost and effort."

When Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang were said by Xiao Yu, their faces suddenly sank.


Qiu Zhang punched the wall with one punch, and a fist mark appeared on the wall immediately.

"Damn the Mu Family!! They squeezed people to such a degree!!"


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