Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4362: Poison (below)

The Mu family is so stingy and uses people to the point of squeezing it dry, which really makes people feel angry.

In the eyes of Huangzhe and Qiu Zhang, even if the Mu Family was exploiting Luqiu, now even they are being used.

Although they are not related, it is equivalent to giving the Mu Family a sense of control, which is very uncomfortable.

Luo Feng said angrily: "It's definitely the Mu Family! Don't doubt it! I have inquired that Qingmu Town is not the most powerful area in the entire Coffin Continent. The six-stripe Earth Spirit Pill can be said to be the most powerful alchemist here. The made spirit pill. Luqiu and his mother have to swallow the six-patterned earth spirit pill every time, and the Mu family estimates it will be difficult to support."

Indeed, the six-stripe Earth Spirit Pill, the level of spiritual medicine needed is not low.

And it takes time to refine the spirit pill, and there is a certain chance that the pill refinement will fail.

Compared with the entire clan, the Mu family is of course unbearable.

"You haven't said yet, what the **** is going on with this poison."

Huang Zhen and Qiu Zhang became anxious at once.

They now know why Xiao Yu wants to leave Luqiu.

After all, Luqiu treats his mother as a baby, even more important than his own life.

If Luqiu knew that his mother was framed by the Mu family, then he would definitely do something stupid.

And this kind of stupid thing, besides confronting the Mu Family, or killing the Mu Family, what else can it be?

But the result?

The result of course is that Luqiu will be defeated or even killed by the Mu Family!

Yes, the Mu family is such a cruel family.

The entire Qingmu Town is controlled by the Mu Family.

The Mu Family is domineering, rampant, exploiting, squeezing, and bullying, this is what everyone knows.

Because of this, let alone Qingmu Town, or even the entire Coffin Continent, no one dared to provoke the Mu Family.

This is why the Mu Family, as the Coffin Continent, controls almost all the elixir, because no one, no power, dares to oppose the Mu Family.

Having said that, although it is impossible to be 100% sure that it is the murderous man under the Mu family, judging from the many signs, the Mu family is basically the most suspicious!

And in Qingmu Town, only the Mu Family would dare to do this!

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "A person who knows how to put this poison must be a powerful poison master. As I said just now, if I don't have some special secret methods, it is impossible to detect it, so this matter is temporarily You can't tell Luqiu, and only you know who is a poison master in Qingmu Town."

"Poison Master?"

Who knows, Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang frowned.

"In Qingmu Town, it seems that there are no poison masters, they are pure alchemists." Huang Zhe said thoughtfully.

"Yes, there has been no poison master in Qingmu Town for so many years."

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and then asked: "Just now you said that the powerful alchemist belongs to the Mu family. What is his alchemy level?"

Huang Zhe himself is an alchemist, so he knows the situation of the alchemist in Qingmu Town very well. He pondered for a while and said: "In Qingmu Town, the most powerful alchemist is Mu Yin, but I have fought him a lot. Explain, he shouldn't use poison."

Qiu Zhang said, "Huang Zhe is actually very powerful. It's just that of the three most powerful alchemists in Qingmu Town, only Mu Yin can refine the highest grade six-patterned earth spirit pill."

"It seems that I have to go to him for a while," Xiao Yu said, his eyes flashing a little playful.


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