Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4366: It's them!

Mu Chunhao put down the account books and said indifferently: "To be honest, I didn't take them to heart at all. It is impossible to give them ambition and the courage to oppose us. Friends who are useless are also friends, so you don't need to be too concerned.

The middle-aged man nodded as if he did not understand, and then said nothing.

"By the way, is my father back?" Mu Chunhao asked.

"No, there is still a hand tail on the Patriarch's side, but it's almost the same," the middle-aged man said.

"Well, where is Uncle Yin?" Mu Chunhao asked again.

Middle-aged humanity: "He seems to be missing a panacea, and now it has been sent from other places, and then he can start alchemy. And Senior Mu Yin will start classes tomorrow to recruit a new one. A talented alchemist, then sent to the clan."

Mu Chunhao nodded, and immediately continued to look through the account books, and asked calmly, "What happened to the last time you asked you to check?"

What Mu Chunhao said was worth the time when their Mu family was disturbed.

At that time, one of Mu Wanxin's mistresses said bad things about Mu Wanxin at the gambling shop. They didn't know these words at first, but they didn't know what happened, and the voice suddenly remembered in Mu Family.

Mu Chunhao knew that someone must be doing this.

The purpose of this, of course, is to make the atmosphere in the Mu family very weird.

Although this is not a threat to the Mu Family, and it has no impact, this incident is clearly aimed at Mu Wanxin!

Mu Wanxin is Mu Chunhao's younger sister. In addition, someone in Qingmu Town dared to target their Mu family in this way. Of course he had to find out who it was!

After all, because of this incident, the entire Mu family can be said to have become the laughingstock of the whole process. Mu Wanxin usually has a strong psychological endurance, but she can't stand so many people secretly pointing.

Of course, although these pointers were not obvious because the people in Qingmu Town did not dare, they also had a great impact on Mu Wanxin's psychology.

This is something related to the reputation of their Mu family.

Therefore, Mu Chunhao must find this person, and then kill the chicken and the monkey!

"Master, I went to the gambling shop that day to check. There were dozens of people who entered it. There are two guards and don't remember anything unusual." The middle-aged man said.

Mu Chunhao frowned slightly.

He is very smart, knowing that since someone used a certain secret method to collect the sound of the scene at that time, and then restore it, it must have passed the two guards in the gambling house.

Therefore, it is almost certain that it was one of the people who entered, but it was unexpected that there were so many people, and the two guards did not remember it.


"What's weird?" Mu Chunhao asked.

The middle-aged man groaned for a moment, and then said: "The two guards said that the youngest people who entered were basically in their twenties and were almost regular customers, but there were two strange faces that day. ."

Mu Chunhao's heart moved. He naturally knew that there was a hidden brothel in the gambling house. He also knew that those who liked to go for pleasure were either slackers or wicked people, so of course they were regular customers.

And here in Qingmu Town, their Mu family has many eyeliners, and basically any new face will be reported.

Suddenly, Mu Chunhao's heart moved and asked, "Did the people at the gambling shop say how old the two were?"

"They seem to be very young. One is sixteen or seventeen, and the other is twenty. It seems that they came out soon after entering."


Mu Chunhao suddenly closed the book, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"It's them!"


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