Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4367: Increase surveillance

Mu Chunhao didn't even think about it, but just said it directly.

The middle-aged man's face also changed slightly. Perhaps it was because he had been following Xiao Yu and Luo Feng these days, so that he somewhat ignored the person in front of him.

"If you think about it, it is indeed the case. We rarely come to strangers in Qingmu Town. Even if they do, we basically know that there are not many people in the past few days. Is it really that they are targeting us? "The more the middle-aged man thought about it, the more likely it was.

He also knew about the Mu family's situation. It was normal to be targeted, but he didn't expect to be targeted at them. They were the two boys who ate and lived them!

"They are so ambitious that they dare to deal with Miss! Master, what are we going to do?" the middle-aged man asked.

Mu Chunhao's eyes flickered. At first, he thought that the existence of these two people would not pose any threat to them, because this was Qingmu Town and they belonged to the Mu Family.

But thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be the case!

Isn't their appearance accidental?

Although Mu Chunhao still looked down on Xiao Yu and Luo Feng in his heart, he couldn't help but become vigilant.

"Now we don't know what their intentions are. We send people around to fix them. As long as we leave the city, we will report it immediately!" Mu Chunhao said.

"But Master, since they are here prepared, I am worried that they will be prepared. After all, it is not easy to be able to help Luqiu obtain Huangshenshu."

Mu Chunhao sneered and said, "What about defense? This is the Coffin Continent, where the Mu family has the final say. What tricks they want to play is impossible in our eyes."


the next day.

Xiao Yu found that there were a lot of eyeliners around the inn, and at least five people were watching them in different places.

Of course, what these people didn't know was that Xiao Yu had used the branches of the sky tree to have a lot of induction around the inn. Once these people entered the range, Xiao Yu was the first to know.

Inside the room.

After a while, the door opened, and a figure pushed in, naturally it was Luo Feng.

"Brother Yu, I found that there seem to be some more people outside. It is possible that the Mu family has already begun to focus on us." Luo Feng said.

Xiao Yu nodded. After all, he also knew that the Mu Family had been staring at them. Now they don't go back to the Mu Family anymore. Presumably, the Mu Family must be suspicious.

Who doubts the Mu family? According to Xiao Yu's guess, it was Mu Chunhao, the current Young Patriarch.

"But I'm thinking, maybe Mu Chunhao already knows something has been found." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and said.

Luo Feng's heart moved, and said, "That incident, he already thinks of us?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "I heard that Mu Chunhao rarely comes out, but Huang Lao and the others said that this person is calm and calm, and the city is very deep. That incident has a lot of impact on the Mu Family. If we need to find out about us, it's just a matter of time."

"Then what should I do now?" Luo Feng frowned and asked.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "As I just said, Mu Chunhao is calm and cautious, but because of this, he may know that our identity is not simple, otherwise it is impossible to obtain the precious elixir of Huangshenshu, so On the one hand, he doesn't look down on us, on the other hand, he is still a little jealous of us, so he can only send more people to watch us."

Luo Feng nodded, and something suddenly sounded, and said: "By the way, Brother Yu, I found out. Today, Mu Yin guy heard that he wants to recruit apprentices for alchemy, aimed at talented alchemists."

"Oh? Let's go and see."


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