Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4368: Start class and accept students (Part 1)

To a certain extent, Mu Yin's status in Qingmu Town is even higher than Mu Chunhao and Mu Wanxin, because he is an alchemist.

Although Mu Yin was only able to refine six-patterned earth spirit pills, he was already the most powerful alchemist in Qingmu Town.

Mu Yin's mansion is located in a lively place on the other side of the city.

Today is the day when Mu Yin starts his class and accepts disciples.

Although Qingmu Town is a small town in the Coffin Continent, the Coffin Continent has outstanding people, so the chances of awakening soul cultivators are much greater than on other continents.

Because for a long time, the people here have been surrounded by strong spirit medicine breath and heaven and earth spirit power breath, of course their bloodline will change over time.

And then pass it down from generation to generation. Basically, as long as there are elders in the family who are alchemists, at least one of the descendants will be able to awaken the soul.

And some of the bloodline is a little short, can also be stimulated by some special methods, of course, this kind of man-made awakening is half acquired.

According to the truth, these people should actually specialize in spiritual power cultivation, or the physical cultivation is the right thing, why would they continue to choose the path of soul cultivation?

The reason is the atmosphere of the Coffin Continent, coupled with the respect that Nine Heavens World has for soul cultivators.

Powerful soul cultivators, in some big clans and great powers, are the same existence as Ke Qing worshipped.

Whether it is status, glory, wealth, power, etc., they are all admired by people.

Therefore, this also makes soul cultivators a bit eager.

At this time, before Mu Yin's mansion, many people had already come to watch the excitement.

These people who watch the excitement are the elders of some small and medium-sized families.

In the lobby, there are already more than twenty people.

The vast majority of these people are teenagers, before the age of twelve to eighteen, and there are also a few people around twenty.

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng were among the crowd, and Luo Feng couldn't help but exclaimed, and said, "It's terrible. In Qingmu Town, we will find more than 20 soul-awakened people."

Not to mention Luo Feng, even Xiao Yu felt that the sky was a little weird.

After all, look at Cangling Academy, but how many soul cultivators participated in the examination of the lower house? There are only dozens of people!

But there are more than twenty people in a small Qingmu town!

However, Xiao Yu frowned soon and shook his head slightly.

Luo Feng's voice changed and said: "It's a pity that these people's soul talents are too low. Although there are many souls awakened in the Coffin Continent, even the semi-awakened state is forcibly stimulated, which also leads to the coffin. The mainland is not following the elite route."

Xiao Yu nodded and agreed.

How about Xiao Yu's soul talent? That is the existence that can burst even the light beam of the soul talent test.

In addition, he is also an array mage of the Earth Spirit Realm, and his soul perception can be said to be higher than that of the people present.

Therefore, under his glance just now, it was clear in his heart that none of these people's soul talents surpassed the fifth rank.

You know, in the lower planes, there are cultivators with soul talents that exceed the heavenly level in the sect world.

Although there are many soul cultivators in the Coffin Continent, there are not so many who are truly talented.

Of course, because there are many soul awakeners in the Coffin Continent, the chances of them being born with soul cultivation geniuses are of course much higher than that of other continents. This is why Coffin Continent is famous.

"Master Mu hasn't accepted apprentices for a long time! This time I said that as long as they are under twenty-five years old, they will recruit them. This is rare!"

"Yes, I heard that the Mu family of the clan will hold a meeting to gather talented children from all regions of the entire plane. It seems to be very grand. Recommending a disciple will be rewarded. Because of this, Mu Does the master start classes in the name of recruiting apprentices?"

"What does it have to do? Isn't it better? That can go to the clan!"


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