Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4387: Scent

Yes, many people are startled.

Successful alchemy?

What kind of alchemy is successful?

They thought Xiao Yu was joking.

The lid of the stove is not opened, and even the medicinal aroma of the elixir does not escape. Is this success?

It was Mu Yin, whose eyes also showed a kind of indifference, he repeatedly confirmed that he did not feel much movement in the furnace.

In other words, there is a very gentle fluctuation in the furnace cauldron from beginning to end. Although his consciousness has not penetrated into it, he must know that the flame is his, the furnace cauldron is his, and even the entire mansion is his. As long as there is a little breath fluctuation in the furnace, he can sense it.

However, none of these.

Even the young people showed a look of contempt.

At the beginning, they still looked up to Xiao Yu a little bit, but now, this person is simply stupid, can this be considered successful in refining?

Many people looked at Xiao Yu's eyes and turned to look at fools. They shook their heads and turned around to leave.

After all, the winner has no suspense, but Mu Qirui.

Mu Qirui should have enjoyed everyone's envy and jealousy, but at this moment, the lid of the stove suddenly opened slowly.

The audience was stunned in an instant, and even Mu Yin's indifferent eyes suddenly released an astonishing light.

A kind of light but containing a refreshing fragrance, began to permeate the entire lobby.

This scent is like a silent flower blooming, quietly, but it makes people feel comfortable, nourishing people's mind, not irritating at all, and like a silent ocean wave, suddenly slapped over, making people wake up. .

Those who had just turned around were stunned for an instant, and then turned their heads, I didn't know when, a dark green light flashed in the furnace.

These rays of light are like the morning light, setting off the round spirit pill that is floating.

The whole body of this lingpill was smooth and full of luster, and the strong medicinal fragrance permeated out, and the people in the whole venue were suddenly shocked.

"how come!?"

Mu Qirui was completely stunned in place. This shiny appearance, familiar medicinal fragrance, and rich to extreme energy aura, this is almost a perfect one-stripe spirit pill!

Mu Yin also took a deep breath, seeing Xiao Yu's eyes change differently.

"This spirit pill... is so perfect, how could it..."

Mu Yin was also shocked in his heart. He knew the difficulty of the question he had asked. He also knew that apart from Mu Qirui, there was no way for the people present to remove the impurities in the spiritual liquid so clean.

Yes, although this is rough alchemy, they don’t need to master the heat, do not need to control the attribute fusion between the elixir, only need to remove impurities, but it can remove impurities to such a perfect degree, this is definitely Mu Yin Unimaginable.

Yes, within this spirit pill, it has a purity of over 95%!

And the spirit pill that Mu Qirui refined just now didn't even reach 70%!

But the rough one-stripe Earth Spirit Pill, which was less than 70% pure, was considered perfect by Mu Yin.

However, compared with Xiao Yu now, Mu Qirui's is nothing short of scum!

"Impossible! How did you do it!?" Mu Qirui blushed and asked angrily.

He knew that the other party's spirit pill was much purer than his own.


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