Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4388: Silent Alchemy

Anyone who knows a little bit of alchemy knows that when the refining of a spiritual pill is in a state of formation, there will be a fragrance escape.

But throughout the entire process, they didn't smell the slightest scent escaping from Xiao Yu's furnace cauldron, which puzzled them.

But it is this kind of doubt that makes people feel incredible, even shocking.

This is obviously not one of the steps in alchemy, but how can it be accomplished?

Even Mu Yin's eyes became suspicious.

Although he believed that his alchemy cultivation base was one of the best in Qingmu Town, he still had self-knowledge compared to the entire Coffin Continent and even the Nine Heaven Continent.

Is this kind of strange alchemy technique that he has never touched?

But even if his alchemy realm did not reach the realm of a heavenly spirit alchemist, or even a gods alchemist, he had heard of many alchemy techniques, but there was no such kind!

But in any case, Mu Yin's eyes also glowed with a kind of brilliance, yes, this made him discover a pill refining genius with talent Yi Bin.

What he can be sure is that this person must have never heard of it before, maybe it is some low-key family, or someone from another town.

But an idea flashed through his heart, and this idea of ​​course was to recommend Xiao Yu to the clan.

According to the clan, people from all over the mainland and in all regions can recommend them as long as they find geniuses in alchemy. Of course, people from the Mu family are preferred.

But if there is a good candidate, of course it can be recommended, but the premise is to enter the clan of the Mu family.

Mu Yin seemed to have an idea in his heart.

"Impossible, how could it be..." Mu Qirui stared at Xiao Yu, as if to swallow Xiao Yu.

He suddenly started to understand, this guy is actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! !

"Boy, you must be an alchemist!! You cheated!!" Mu Qirui snarled in a low voice as he thought about the more something was wrong.

How can there be no smell in the molding? This must be a side-scrolling!

But it is indeed true, it is indeed a bit too weird, even if it is not a circumstance, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

And Mu Yin's eyes were still uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Luo Feng was originally very excited. After all, no fragrance escaped until Xiao Yu opened his eyes. He thought that Xiao Yu was about to fail, but this scene also surprised him.

Luo Feng immediately sneered and said: "Mu Qirui, I don't like to hear what you say. What is an alchemist? Are you not an alchemist? Don't tell me that you have never refined the spirit before. Dan, you should be the one who cheated, right?"

Mu Qirui was shocked when Luo Feng said this, and his face flushed immediately.

And the people around are also weird.

After all, Mu Yin held this so-called exam, just to give Mu Qirui a rightful chance. People with a discerning eye will know what is going on at a glance. Is this still necessary?

It's just that Mu Qirui didn't raise the price even more.

Luo Feng was not forgiving, and said indifferently, "Furthermore, no matter whether the cat is white or black, the cat who catches the mouse is a good cat. The spirit pill appears in the furnace cauldron. If you say that my brother Yu cheated, it is impossible for you Is it not possible to question Master Yin's secret favoritism?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and even Xiao Yu was taken aback, this guy really dare to say it!


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