Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4409: Purple Unicorn Power (Part 1)

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the overwhelming fist style was suddenly located on the body of the war puppet, and it instantly flooded the war puppet.

The shocking sound caused many explosions in this valley, which made the earth tremble.

"call out!"

A figure suddenly retreated, shot out, and then slammed on the mountain.


The whole mountain shook slightly, and a large area of ​​flying sand and rocks was really moving.

"how is this possible!?"

Xiquan's pupils shrank suddenly. What he didn't expect was that his battle puppet, who had never fought for a long time, was knocked down like this.

After the dust flew up and dissipated, I saw a shadow printed on the mountain.

The battle puppet, although there was no bloodshot eyes, saw the black cracks on the battle puppet body, and these cracks were a little green light flashing, extremely strange.

Although the battle puppet could not feel the pain, he was defeated, which made Mu Qirui's expression gloomy.

Looking at the figure again, there are subtle thunder and lightning flashing all over his body, and in a vaguely, a domineering and unmatched aura is permeating.

"Get up! Kill him!"

Xiquan knew that if his own battle puppet couldn't play a role, his transaction with Mu Qirui would have failed.

His thoughts urged again, and the eyes of the war puppet burst out with an astonishing green light again, and then directly rushed out of the mountain, and then killed Xiao Yu.

This fighting puppet punched out with a punch, and the amazing fist aroused the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth. The spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth began to gather crazily, and then turned into a green fist.

The vast fist style was completely a pure spirit realm power, and then he immediately killed Xiao Yu.

For a time, with Xiao Yu as the center, a space of several hundred meters in a radius became a suffocating state.

If the ordinary pure spirit realm was here, it would definitely be overwhelmed by this momentum.

After all, it is hard to imagine that just a war puppet can burst out of such a momentum, which is really shocking.

Because under normal circumstances, although there are many battle puppets, most of them use pure physical power to fight.

Because although they are conscious, this kind of consciousness is only fighting consciousness.

But this kind of fighting consciousness is not the kind of consciousness of fighting state, and it is only limited to a kind of power confrontation. Therefore, it is single, but powerful.

In fact, there are many battle puppets, and there are many refining methods. Some battle puppets even possess the consciousness of all thinking and fighting skills, but that kind of battle puppets are already very advanced and require some special ones. The secret method can be refined.

This one, Xiquan, was obviously not in heat, but it was enough to surprise some people who hadn't seen it.

Of course, Xiao Yu had seen it before and had come into contact with many corpse puppets and puppets, so he was not surprised, instead he felt a kind of passion.

"This is decent, break it for me!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with lightning flashes, and then he roared, thunder flashed up and down all over his body, and a faint purple monster beast leaped behind him.

Mighty and domineering, looking down on the world, at this moment, the entire valley seems to be pale because of this purple unicorn beast.



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