Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4410: Purple Unicorn Power (Part 2)

As if infected, Xiao Yu also roared in his heart like an ancient divine beast.

The Purple Qilin Phantom obviously also sensed the kind of warfare in Xiao Yu's heart, and also roared, and a piece of thunder light turned into a beam of light, which was stirred out with the movement of Xiao Yu's fists.

That war puppet was immediately swallowed by a thunder light fist, and the world fell into a white light.

The world fell into a silent situation again, and immediately after a loud bang, countless fragments were scattered all over the ground and fell into the valley.

The battle puppet was blown by the thunder light fist of Xiao Yu Ziqilin!

"Do not!!"

Xiquan's pupils shrank and his face was extremely pale.

He worked so hard to build the battle puppet that took a full three years, but it was blown up, and it was just a virtual spirit realm!

At this moment, Xiquan seemed to feel so unreal. Is this really a normal person?

"No, this kid is not a human! He is definitely not a normal human!"

Xiquan immediately yelled at Mu Qirui next to him, "What kind of monster did you provoke!!"

How could the vibration in Mu Qirui's mind be much weaker than Xiquan?

Who would have thought that not only is this person so talented in soul, but even his strength is so abnormal!

Even though he knew that Xiao Yu was a double cultivator, it was not until he saw Xiao Yu bashing the puppet to pieces with a thunderstorm-like fist that he finally understood that this person was definitely not an ordinary person!

However, at this moment, the figure in the distance looked towards them on the top of the mountain, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"call out!"

After Xiao Yu killed the war puppet, his figure swept directly towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qirui and Xiquan were obviously discolored.

After all, even a war puppet in the pure spirit realm can be broken into pieces. How terrifying is this person's combat power?

A person's combat effectiveness is affected by many factors, because spirituality, the method of breathing, weapons, or some rare secret techniques, etc., can increase a person's true combat effectiveness.

This has led to some talents and even people with a big background who excel at the same level.

However, this is an entire realm!

how did you do that?

This person is just the cultivation base of the virtual spirit realm!

Of course, what they didn't know was that Xiao Yu's physical strength was stronger than his realm of strength. Especially, it was obvious that Xiao Yu just launched his Thunder Fist with all his strength, with the goal of quickly ending the battle.

As for the two people who had calculated themselves, Xiao Yu certainly would not let them go, especially Mu Qirui.

If it weren't for Mu Qirui, it would never have happened.

Of course, in fact, Xiao Yu originally planned to kill this **** squad, and then fled, thinking about planning, but now it seems that he can be justified, so he will kill Mu Qirui and Xiquan even more. These two people.

Seeing Xiao Yu rushing towards him from down the mountain, Xiquan was the first to panic.

For a while, he suddenly ignored Mu Qirui next to him, turned and ran away.

"Damn guy, he actually provoked such a fiend!"

Just as Xiquan just turned around and took a step away, he suddenly discovered that he could not move.

"This... is the formation!!"

Immediately afterwards, his face changed drastically and he turned to look at Mu Qirui.


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