Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4426: Luqiu's sorrow

That night.

Because the Mu family strictly guards the city, Luqiu certainly suffered because of this.

Said it was suffering, but it was just being driven out of Mu Wanxin's room into the wood house, and there were still people guarding the door.

After all, the fundamental reason why the Mu Family made such a movement was the two people brought back by Luqiu.

Lu Qiu was blamed by Mu Wanxin for this and prevented Lu Qiu from having **** with him.

On the one hand, it was a punishment to Luqiu, and on the other hand, it was a temporary protection of their Mu family.

Of course, to Lu Qiu, whether he can sleep in that room, he doesn't care at all.

But what he cares about is that if this matter continues for a long time, then his mother's illness will last longer, which is what makes him anxious.

Originally, the spirit pill that Mu Wanxin gave him had gradually weakened the grade and the efficacy of the medicine. If it dragged on like this, Lu Qiu was really worried about what would happen to his mother, which he didn't want to see.

Of course, Lu Qiu's heart is even more serious, that is, he feels that he has been deceived.

This person is Xiao Yu.

Until now, Luqiu didn't believe that he was used by Xiao Yu and others.

"From the very beginning of killing the one-horned wolf lion, are they already plotting against the Mu family?"

"But why lie to me?"

What Luqiu couldn't accept was that he showed his sincerity to treat his so-called friend. In the end, his situation became very embarrassing because of this friend.

Even the last time Mu Wanxin used a secret technique to restore the conversation between Mu Wanxin's lover and the prostitute in the Mu family mansion, he was not so angry.

After all, Mu Wanxin's affairs were known to the entire Qingmu Town, and he didn't care about these facial issues anymore.

The only thing he cares about is why does that person do this to hurt him like this?

Luqiu himself didn't have any friends in Qingmu Town, but he seemed to see his shadow from Xiao Yu.

To say that it was his own shadow was to think that he had also dreamed of reaching Xiao Yu's situation, but he was just trapped by reality, and even his cultivation level had plummeted.

I thought I could find a close friend, but I didn't expect that all of this was the water and moon in the mirror.

At this time, Luqiu was helpless and even more confused.

At this moment, suddenly a voice rang in the room——

"Lvqiu, I know you are very confused now, and I also know your doubts now, but you believe me, I have no malice against you."

"Big Brother Xiao Yu!?"

Luqiu was shocked immediately, and quickly stood up.

He exclaimed that, someone pushed in immediately outside the door, the guard of the Mu family.

When Lu Qiu saw this person, he said coldly, "What are you doing! Get out!"

The guard looked around towards the firewood room, his eyes flickering, staring at Luqiu closely.

"Huh! Luqiu, I suggest you don't play any tricks, otherwise you will not just be kicked out of the Mu family!"


The Caifang door was heavily closed, but Luqiu's face was heavy.

"What are you still looking for me for."

Yes, this voice is too familiar. It's not someone, but Xiao Yu.

Moreover, this method of sound transmission surprised Lu Qiu, because it was the special sound transmission method used by him, Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang!

Is he with Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe?

"If I want to harm you, I won't wait until today. I have nothing to do with the Mu Family, especially for you. If you want to know the truth, you have to do something for me."


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