Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4427: I want to see Mu Yin!

Mu Yin's room.

In the past few days, Mu Yin's mood can be said to be very depressed. No reason, it is only because he has reached this age in his life that he realizes that he has failed so much.

First of all, he took a glance at a person, this person's talent is indeed very powerful, even he can't even see the strength and cultivation of this person.

But also because of this, Mu Yin made one of the biggest mistakes in his life. He saw the people right and missed them.

Another is that he made him look like Mu Qirui left him, putting himself in an unrighteous situation.

Some members of the Mu family's direct line actually knew the truth. The thing was, Mu Qirui asked someone outside to kill his appointed person, but he didn't expect that the ship would capsize in the gutter.

And Mu Chunhao and the others were obviously misbehaving. The person Luqiu brought back did not expect to be so powerful. This is where they miscalculated.

So that the Mu family is now in such a situation, its solid wood Yin is also generally responsible.

It's just that he knows very clearly that he is a member of the Mu Family, and his role in the Mu Family is huge, so no one dared to accuse him face to face.

After all, in Qingmu Town, except for the Mu Family Patriarch, he has the highest status. Who would dare to question him?

It's just that other people didn't dare to question him, but Mu Yin had doubts about himself in his heart, and annoyance about what he had done.

Is his life's reputation destroyed because of this incident?

Even if he doesn't sweep the floor, someone will have an impact on his opinion, which he cannot accept.

At this moment, there was a cold shout outside the door.

"What are you doing? Inside is Master Yin's room, get out of here!"

At this time, there were eight guards guarding Mu Yin's door. Of these eight guards, six were in the virtual spirit realm and two were in the pure spirit realm, which can be said to be very powerful.

Although Mu Yin made a mistake in his judgment, in any case, his status is unquestionable. It is right for the Mu Family to send so many masters to guard him.

At this time, Luqiu's face was very gloomy, he walked straight from his room, but his footsteps seemed to weigh ten thousand pounds.

From Luqiu's body, one can feel an astonishing cold breath.

"I want to see him." Luqiu said in a deep voice, his voice was cold, heavy, and sad.

The two guards of the pure spirit realm were members of the Mu family's tribe. When they saw Luqiu, their eyes were very impatient.

"This is not where you came from, hurry up and go!" The man on the left said coldly.

The eyes of the other guards were taunting.

Luqiu was driven out by Mu Wanxin into the firewood room, which already made Luqiu a laughingstock.

Originally, he had no dignity when he entered the Mu Family, but now he is looked down upon.

"I said, I want to see Mu Yin!!"

Lu Qiu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were always murderous, and an astonishing chill seemed to come from under Jiuyou, which made people shudder.

Especially this pair of eyes is as moving as the killing intent surging up under the nine springs.

These two pure spirit realm masters couldn't help taking a step back.

Lu Qiu has been in Mu's house for so long, and he has never dared to be angry with them, let alone treat them with such amazing eyes and murderous intent.

Although Luqiu is a virtual spirit realm, they also know that Luqiu is not a simple virtual spirit realm. At least, the talent of Luqiu two years ago was the best in Qingmuzhen.

"Let him in."


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