Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4428: Settle accounts

Mu Yinben was annoyed by his stupidity, but he didn't expect that the guy outside the Mu family would come.

He didn't want to see each other, but he seemed to be looking for a way to vent, just to let Luqiu come in.

Luqiu entered, and the door was closed.

Looking at Luqiu's gloomy expression, Mu Yin's expression was cold, and he said coldly, "Why, do you come to me again for pill? I tell you, you did this, you don't want to ask for the elixir! That medicine jar, It's a waste of my energy!"

Luqiu didn't speak, but his face was gloomy.

"Don't you dare to speak? I'm not afraid to tell you that your mother's illness worsens day by day, and she can't live for too long. Do you really think her illness can be cured? You are just a drop in the bucket."

"Don't think you can make me infinite alchemy after you enter the Mu family. Now it's you who beg me and I won't care about your life and death! I told you that your utilization value is only so little left. It's a useless person! I don't want to see you, get out!"

Since Lu Qiu entered the Mu family, of course he had begged him many times in private, but Mu Yin certainly did not agree.

He only listened to Mu Family, how could he listen to what an outsider said?

As for this person and his mother, he doesn't pay much attention to them at all, he takes care of the life and death of these people.

After the scolding came out, Mu Yin felt that the boredom in his chest had disappeared a lot.

Seeing Lu Qiu motionless, his face gloomy, Mu Yin even more disdain, and said: "What? Not angry, are you? Are you accustomed to it? You are not as good as a servant in the Mu family, and you want to get it from me. Spirit pill? Even if I feed the dog, the dog will bark twice, how about you? You are not as good as a beast!!!"

After a while, Luqiu still didn't speak, Mu Yin became more angry the more he looked at it, and when he was about to open his mouth, Luqiu finally spoke.

In his voice, there was a sorrowful color.

"I just want to ask you, is my mother poisoned by you."

Mu Yin's face suddenly changed in color. He didn't expect Lu Qiu to ask such words. Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Mu Yin's face was a little panicked, but he soon said angrily: "What **** are you doing here! It’s my poison, I won’t be able to kill your mother! Are you questioning me?"

"It is precisely because of the poison you poured that you have a way to temporarily relieve my mother's disease, right?" Lu Qiu said in a deep voice again.

There is a sadness and indignation in his words.

Mu Yin seemed to be even more surprised, but he still said angrily: "Boy, I don't know what you are talking about, now I order you to get out!"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qiu raised his head, his eyes became flushed and murderous again. When Mu Yin saw this, his whole person was panicked.

What kind of look is this?

This is a murderous look!

"You...what are you going to do?"

Luqiu walked towards Mu Yin step by step. The murderous intent on the former body was constantly rising, and Mu Yin finally felt a kind of fear from the soul, a taste that made him feel fearful.

"Come on! Come in!"

Mu Yin is just a pure alchemist, how could he be an opponent of Luqiu in the Void Spirit Realm?

Mu Yin suddenly yelled, but Luqiu still moved forward as if nothing had happened, but the few people outside were still standing and did not come in.

"what happened?"

Mu Yin's face suddenly paled.


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