Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4431: Unacceptable fact

Lu Qiu thought that under his own questioning, Mu Yin could admit the fact of poisoning, but after careful questioning, he unexpectedly discovered that there was another hidden story!

"You said that Mu Wanxin calculated me early in the morning? Did they let you poison you because of this?" Lu Qiu hurried forward and asked angrily.

Mu Yin's face changed again, he seemed to find that he had even leaked!

It turns out this guy doesn't know this!

"No..." Mu Yin shook his head quickly.

Lu Qiu was furious and stepped down again, and Mu Yin's other knee was trampled to pieces by Lu Qiu again.


The screaming screams made Mu Yin's breath away.

Lu Qiu's head was buzzing at this time, and this continuous blow made him unable to calm down at all.

He grabbed Mu Yin's neckline and instilled a spirit power in it. Mu Yin woke up in a daze, but when he woke up, he found that some blood was dripping down all over his body, making him tremble. .

"Say! What the **** is going on!!" Lu Qiu glared, the flame in his eyes seemed to swallow Mu Yin.

"I said, I said..." Mu Yin was finally frightened. At this time, he was a dead dog in front of Luqiu, a dead dog that could not resist anyway.

"Mu Chunhao got some kind of cultivating sorcery during an outing. This kind of sorcery is a kind of sun-absorbing art, and it needs to be displayed among Taoists."

"Is that what you just said to absorb my talent?" Lu Qiu asked in a cold voice.

"Right, right, right! You must be a Taoist companion, and then every time you practice in the same room, you can absorb the cultivation talent of the other person until the other person becomes an ordinary person."

Hearing this, Lu's head buzzed again, and he seemed to be unable to accept such a result.

Although he knew that Mu Family was using his talents to help Mu Wanxin, what this meant was to absorb cultivation talents and then turn himself into an ordinary person!

How could he accept this?

What is the difference between this and making money and killing lives?

Luqiu seemed to be unable to believe it, not that he didn't want to believe it, nor that he still believed in Mu Wanxin, but he didn't understand at all. It turned out that there was a conspiracy in this calculation.

"Then why every time I finish my practice, why do I still feel that my cultivation base has improved?" Lu Qiu asked the doubt in his heart over the past two years.

If this is the case, then every time after He Mu Wanxin finishes practicing, there shouldn't be this kind of improvement in cultivation level!

"It's all an illusion."

Mu Yin said hoarsely: "Every time you finish your practice, you will be tired for two or three days, right? That's because your essence and blood and Yang Qi are absorbed by Mu Wanxin. The cultivation base that appears later grows, but after you return to normal It's an illusion, you can think about it yourself, has your cultivation speed in the past two years been much slower than before?"

"Plus your focus is on your mother’s illness, you don’t pay more attention to your cultivation at all. And because you think Mu Family is kind to you, you will ignore many things. In fact , Your talent is passing by little by little!"


Luqiu's eyes were dull and his head roared.

He thought about it carefully, as if it was indeed the case!

In the past two years, Luqiu's cultivation level has really been improved too slowly. He thought it was because his energy was distracted, but he did not expect that his talent was gone.

Look at Mu Wanxin again. In the past two years, she has jumped from a Heavenly Sun Realm to a Void Spirit Realm!

What is this concept?

Within two years, Mu Wanxin had reached the same strength as Luqiu from a Heavenly Sun Realm!

Lu Qiu thought of this, his whole head swelled.


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