Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4432: Kill woodyin

At this time, many people in the Mu family were guarding it, even if it was the back door, there were six guards guarding it.

"I want to go out." Lu Qiu said coldly with a gloomy face.

These guards felt the gloomy breath of Luqiu's body, and they shuddered.

As usual, Luqiu didn't dare to talk to them like this, but how could he be so bold this time.

"Huh! I don't care who you are, Master gave the order, no one is allowed to enter!" said the guard.

Lu Qiu raised his head, his eyes flashed with brilliant light, an astonishing murderous moment was enveloped, and the six people changed their colors.

They didn't understand why Luqiu, who was extremely docile on weekdays, became so murderous and awe-inspiring. All they knew was that Luqiu seemed to have completely changed.

"I said, I want to go out. If there is any problem, you don't need to memorize it." Luqiu's voice was as if it came from under the Nine Nethers.

They felt that Luqiu was a person with a kind of magical aura at this time, making people afraid to get close.

Although they are dedicated to their duties, they dare not stop Luqiu.

Because at this critical moment, Luqiu is just an idler. He has no rights and can't jump high.

That's how Luqiu left the back door.

After coming out of the back door, Lu Qiu turned his head and took a deep look at the entire huge Mu Family Mansion. His eyes showed a resolute and determined color, and then he still turned his head and swept away into the depths of the night.

Outside Mu Yin's door.

It was already half an hour, and the guard outside the door began to doubt it.

No matter what, if Mu Yin is resting, there should be a breath fluctuation, but he can't feel the slightest breath.

It was because Luqiu said that Mu Yin was going to rest before, so they didn't think so much, because the six senses of soul cultivators are very sensitive, and if they detect it, they will offend Mu Yin.

But now it seems that Mu Yin doesn't seem to be resting at all!

"Boss, is there something wrong?" the man on the right frowned and asked.

The thin man on the left frowned. He walked to the door, where there was a fire.

"Master Yin."

He called out softly, but no one answered.

Until he called for the second and third calls, no one answered.

"No, how could Master Yin sleep so badly?" someone said strangely.

"Master Yin, offended."

The thin man seemed to realize what had happened, but in the respect of the alchemist, he still pushed in.

"Master Yin!"

But after pushing the door in, their faces all changed drastically.

The ground was full of blood, Mu Yin's leg was broken, and the whole person died on the ground.

"Quick!! Notify Master!!"

At this moment, they finally realized what had happened.

"What? Master Yin is dead? Was it killed by Luqiu's waste?"

"How is it possible? How could he be silent?"

"Where is Luqiu? Go and catch him!"

"Asshole thing, Lu Qiu actually left?"

For a while, the entire Mu family was a sensation.

They never thought that Mu Yin would die in the hands of Lu Qiu, the most unlikely person to kill him.

Moreover, Lu Qiu even escaped!

And on a mountain not far from Qingmu Town.

Xiao Yu sat cross-legged while Luo Feng was guarding the law.

After a while, Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and there was a complex and awe-inspiring expression in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the Mu Family should be so insidious!"


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