Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4445: Breaking the sword

Only Mu Song flipped his hand, followed by a long knife.

This is a high-grade spirit treasure.

Although the high-grade Lingbao is not at the level of the **** soldier, this long sword started with a silver-like light, which made the Mu Family's upper and lower eyes squint.

"It's amazing! Is this Xueyinhan knife?"

"Yes, this is Elder Mu Song's most powerful weapon. It is heard that the rank is already close to a demigod."

"More than him, the sword skill of Xueyinhan Dao is also very high in the prefecture level. It is said that Elder Mu Song can even cut injuries in the late pure spirit realm!"

The children of the Mu family were amazed.

Mu Song's cultivation base can be ranked in the top three among the Mu Family. Only Mu Chunhao and the Mu Family Patriarch are stronger than him.

Therefore, Mu Song's status is very high.

However, in their opinion, no matter how powerful this guy is, he is ultimately a virtual spirit realm! Could it be possible to defeat and kill a pure spirit realm?

"Xue Yinhan·Remnant Blood!"

"call out!"

Mu Song wasn't polite with Xiao Yu at all, he didn't talk nonsense, he just drew his sword and grabbed him.

The blade light with blood light instantly caused the air to produce an icy breath, and in an instant it slashed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. This Mu Song, with decades of cultivation, was obviously much stronger than that of Mu Zinc.

With such a bloodblade slashed down, Xiao Yu felt a dangerous aura.

However, they only knew that Xiao Yu was a dual cultivation of soul and spiritual power, and that his body was extremely powerful, but how did they know that Xiao Yu was also a master of weapons.

Moreover, his weapons are not bad, even he has a weapon spirit, how can he make Xiao Yu regress with a mere high-grade spirit treasure?

Facing this **** remnant sword, Xiao Yu flipped his hand, and the Seven-Star Sword suddenly started. He didn't even urge the Second-Star Soul to move it, and just grabbed a long sword in his hand.

The star-like long sword burst out with brilliant light.

"Sky Rainbow Qi Slash!"

The terrifying star light suddenly cut out an air mark in the air. The profound killing intent produced by this starlight blade made everyone present moved.

What you need to know is that the Rainbow Qi Slash is the fifth style of the Seven Star Sword, and Xiao Yu once used this trick to kill Gu Xichun.

After that, the Seven Star Sword remained immersed, or in other words, the fifth style Xiao Yu never used it.

Xiao Yu only used it once when chasing down the informer Mu Ling.

Of course it was a bit of a sledgehammer that time.

The wooden collar is just as pure as the spiritual realm, and it is impossible to use such a powerful sword to kill people.

It's just that the wooden collar almost escaped from the forest.

If Mu Ling really escaped at that moment, I'm afraid Xiao Yu and the others won't even have the time planned later, let alone have Luqiu cooperate with them to cause the riots in Qingmu Town.

When it was said that it was too late, Mu Song's blood sword slashed forward, and Xiao Yu's Tianhong Qi slashed side by side.

I saw that Tianhong Qi Zhan was immediately counter-smashed, and countless terrifying air currents swept in all directions.

This level of offensive is amazing, so the broken wind blades swept the Mu Family's children who watched the excitement like a storm, instantly turning into fragments.

For a time, the Mu Family killed dozens of people on the spot, and other people also urged their spiritual power to destroy these storm fragments, so that they could get along well.

But the two people in the storm, Xiao Yu and Mu Song, did not move.

But the sword that Xiao Yu slashed casually made everyone in the Mu family heavy.


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