Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4446: Shamu Song

Mu Song's eyes were full of unwillingness. He was unwilling. It was mainly because of the strength of the opponent's sword style, which not only exceeded his expectations, but also became a kind of relief at the last moment before his life.

This relief was because in his opinion, the other party's understanding of sword intent was beyond his reach.

The number of times the two intersected did not exceed three rounds, and the wind blade also affected the lives of dozens of people and hundreds of Mu family. Mu Song, who ranked third in their Mu family, was cut in half, which made the remaining wood The family members looked pale and split.

"Elder Mu Song..." The Mu family's children muttered to himself when they saw the two corpses on the ground.

And Mu Chunhao's murderous aura had already been released to its maximum.

In his opinion, even if Mu Song's strength is not as good as him, he is not much worse than him, but between a thought, there is a gap between Yin and Yang.

After killing Mu Song, Xiao Yu didn't feel that he was so great, because in his opinion, dealing with Mu Song was just letting his original cultivation level be maximized.

After all, you must know that Xiao Yu is not an ordinary virtual spirit state.

The Void Spirit Realm is only his spiritual power cultivation base, he also has soul cultivation, his physical body is comparable to the upper level monsters, and even his swordsmanship offensive is beyond his strength.

All of this gave Xiao Yu enough capital to dare to step on Qingmu Town.

For him, although the people here in Qingmu Town are blessed, their physical bodies are naturally nurtured by the spiritual power of the entire huge coffin continent, so their talents will be higher than the children of other continents.

It's just that, in Xiao Yu's constant battles these days, he seems to have felt one thing, that is, the people here in Qingmu Town have high talents, but the battles are relatively soft.

It means that there is less blood and toughness.

In fact, if you think about it, this is not difficult to understand.

After all, the Coffin Continent respects soul cultivators, even if there are countless heaven and earth elixir here, there is already a huge cultivation enchantment here.

Pride and loftyness make the people here in Coffin Continent do not have a very eager attitude towards cultivation.

Of course, this is relative to the Mu family.

After all, the Mu family is the first surname of the Coffin Continent and the largest family, so it is easy to understand why they have such emotions.

This is also why Xiao Yu is not afraid of the entire Qingmu Town.

In his opinion, the ruthless people or fierce beasts he encountered on the plane continents he had rushed before were far tougher than those of the Mu Family in Qingmu Town.

High talents are bestowed by God, but acquired cultivation, whether it is will, character, or chance, is indispensable.

Among this group, Mu Chunhao was able to make Xiao Yu really take it seriously.

The movement just now obviously made the whole Mu family restless.


Many figures were looted from the depths of the Mu Family Mansion.

"Uncle Song!" As soon as Mu Wanxin came out, she saw Mu Song who had been divided into two halves, as well as dead and wounded, Hua Rong was frightened and pale.

She swiftly stared at the front and said angrily: "Boy, it turned out to be you. I must fry your skin and tear your bones to pieces!!"

There are hundreds of people in the entire Mu family, but their hearts are full of sadness.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a cold light, and said: "Snake woman, you made everything, your dog legs are dead, take your life!"


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