Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4447: Facing Mu Junho

Mu Chunhao and Mu Wanxin were the first instigators. The people they sent were already dead. Of course, Xiao Yu wanted to question Mu Chunhao and Mu Wanxin.

However, in his opinion, Mu Wanxin was just a desperado, and it was nothing to worry about.

Xiao Yu came up with the sword, there was no nonsense at all.

Feeling the murderous intent of Xiao Yu, Mu Wanxin's face changed slightly.

Another long blade of starlight began to plunder and kill, and the two star souls condensed and appeared at the same time, with a huge sword style of more than ten meters, directly assassinating Mu Wanxin.

Mu Wanxin's face changed drastically, even though she was in the Void Spirit Realm, she had very little combat experience.

No one was born to fight a master, especially the pampered Mu Wanxin, when he encountered Xiao Yu's state of killing gods, he was already scared to death.


Mu Chunhao's face was gloomy. He didn't expect Xiao Yu to move his heart towards Mu Wan in front of him for so many years. He was simply ignoring him next to him.

Mu Chunhao slapped it out with a palm. He eliminated it with a palm, and the overwhelming blue light burst.

This is a soft, but full of life force. This power has a sense of mountains and the earth. Although it does not have that strong sense of oppression, it is vast enough.


The power of his palm immediately collided with Xiao Yu's long blade, and then it exploded in the air and turned into stars in the sky.

Mu Chunhao knew how terrifying and amazing Xiao Yu's sword style was, so at the moment of the explosion, he pulled Mu Wanxin back one after another.

Those Mu family children who came out just now were not so lucky, and they were all killed by the aftermath.

Mu Wan was in shock, but Mu Chunhao was hideous.

"His background is so strong..." The Mu family was shocked.

They originally thought that Xiao Yu would definitely consume something after the battle with Mu Song. Even if the spiritual power of heaven and earth can be endlessly stimulated, it does not mean that such a high-intensity battle can be maintained forever!

It is good that the Three Spirit Realm can spur the spiritual power of heaven and earth to fight directly, but the infinite is the spiritual power of heaven and earth, not itself.

After many battles, his body will be consumed and fight.

But the sword Xiao Yu slashed just now was not much less powerful than the one that killed Mu Song.

This is really incredible!

This is just a virtual spirit realm!

"What is your purpose in coming to my Mu family!!" Mu Wanxin screamed.

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "I don't have any purpose, I just want to be fair to the fairer."

Mu Chunhao's originally ugly face looked even more murderous.

"Boy, in any case, you have done too much, your life, ten deaths are not enough!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Chunhao took a step, and his body suddenly exploded with the cultivation base of the late Pure Spirit Realm.

An astonishing light of aura spurted out of him, and the aura of heaven and earth crushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly. To tell the truth, in his eyes, only Mu Chunhao could enter his magical eyes, and Mu Chunhao was indeed strong enough. This was enough.

"It seems that I have met a real master."

Xiao Yu received the Seven Star Sword.

He has a habit, that is, if the opponent uses weapons, he will also use weapons to fight, but if the opponent is bare-handed, then he will put away the weapons.

Xiao Yu looked up and felt Mu Chunhao's oppressive aura towards him. He chuckled, his figure whirled slightly, and then, a pale golden light sprayed from Xiao Yu's body.

An extremely aggressive and domineering force, as if it contained a kind of oppressive aura in it, and it suddenly collided with Mu Chunhao's aura.

Budo momentum!


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