Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4464: Mujia Despair

Mu Chunhao only felt that his legs were numb and trembling, and his face, which had a pointed forehead and small eyes, became a little distorted.

But Mu Chunhao was not reconciled inside.

The Mu Family in Qingmu Town has been standing for more than a hundred years. Even decades ago, someone tried to disadvantage the Mu Family, even if his grandfather launched a family formation like the Mu Wu Array, but it is still strong. Coming over, he didn't keep the piece of armor that the opponent had killed.

Who could have imagined that today, decades later, their Mu family will once again face such a situation, but this time, they will kill and wound hundreds of Mu family children, even his father Mu Hong, a strong man in the same Dao state All of them were killed!

Such a situation is beyond the imagination of a huge Mu family.

Imagine that the Mu family only created this kind of plane barrier decades ago. For decades, the Mu family has been in peace.

Or to put it this way, who would have thought that there are still people who dare to almost slaughter their entire Mu family!

But Mu Chunhao is not reconciled!

I thought I was planning a tactic and killing people thousands of miles away, but now in this situation, I see each other with a look of upwards.

Mu Chunhao was still proud of him. He gritted his teeth and said: "What is it! Since I, Mu Chunhao, I am not afraid to admit it!"

"Very well, I respect you as a man, and hand over your antidote to the so-called sun absorption technique, I know it is on you," Xiao Yu said.

Before Mu Yin died, he said that the antidote was on Mu Chunhao's body. This was the reason why Xiao Yu didn't kill Mu Chunhao the first time.

Because even if Mu Chunhao was defeated, he would not choose to kill him. The antidote was the most important thing for Luqiu's mother.

As for Mu Hong, what Xiao Yu could guess is that when the Mu Family is on the verge of destruction, this person will definitely come out.

Therefore, everything is under his control.

How clever Mu Chunhao is, how could he not think of this, he said angrily: "So you did everything as a ghost! You kill me if there is a species, even if my Mu clan chases to the end of the world, it will definitely break you. Ten thousand corpses!!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered. In fact, he killed Mu Hong and saved Mu Chunhao's life. He actually had such considerations.

Although he came to the Coffin Continent to find news about Burning Fire.

But if you think about it carefully, although the news of Burning Fire can be taken with Huangzhe, it is impossible for him to leave the Coffin Continent in a moment.

With Xiao Yu's character, he did not achieve his goals and would not leave easily.

If there are too many people killed here in the Mu Family in Qingmu Town, and the entire Coffin Continent Mu Family is activated, isn't he hurried like a mourning dog, facing the Mu Family's chase all day long?

Xiao Yu must consider this point.

Mu Hong had been killed, and Mu Chunhao's two siblings remained in Qingmu Town. Whether Xiao Yu wanted to kill the killer really needed to be considered.

And killing the Mu Family was also something Xiao Yu had to love.

If it weren't for what the Mu Family had done to Luqiu too much, and if he was forced to the point where he was, Xiao Yu wouldn't be able to attack the city alone.

Mu Chunhao seemed to see Xiao Yu's hesitation in his actions, and the eyes of those Mu family elders were cold.

"Boy, you either leave now, or if you still want to stay in the Coffin Continent, then stop immediately! Otherwise, you will return to your hometown!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the remaining five Mu Family elders, his eyes flashing murderously.

"You are threatening me?"


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