Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4465: Antidote

Xiao Yu hated threats from others the most in his life.

Now that their sword is on their necks, they dare to let go of such cruel words. This is really arrogant.

The several elders of the Mu family couldn't help but shudder when they saw this cold light look.

But the middle-aged man who spoke just now still said: "What I said is the truth. Since you have something to ask for my Mu family, it is better to shake hands and make peace, otherwise everyone will have a hard time."

Others, although silent, the evil color in their hearts is particularly strong.

"Kill so many people in my Mu family! Just wait for your life!"

"My Mu family will not let you go!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, and murmured, "Shake hands and make peace? Is it all right?"


As soon as the middle-aged man said this word, he suddenly felt as if there was a cold breath passing over his neck. He quickly covered his neck, but the blood was injected like a fountain, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The faces of the people beside them changed drastically.

"Boy, you deceived so much!!"

Those wooden parents suddenly yelled, and the remaining four people all rushed over.

But at this moment, four rays of light suddenly appeared in the air, and then they flew past like lightning. The four elders of the Mu family suddenly stopped moving, because they felt that their necks seemed to be caught The icy blade glow stuck the same.

A tiny bloodshot leaked from the necks of the four of them, and the four of them paled with fright.

Just a little bit, as long as they go a little deeper, the necks of the four of them will split, but they don't dare to move anymore.

But if you look closely, the young man didn't even blink his eyes from beginning to end.

Mu Chunhao was shocked, and everyone in the distance was shocked.

How is this done?

How far has this person's soul realm reached?

Being able to take the first level of people invisibly, and at the same time the control of the power of the soul has reached the point of nuance, this is an existence that they simply cannot imagine.

And one more thing, shouldn't this person's soul power have been exhausted?

How can he still launch such a powerful and powerful soul attack?

Of course, they couldn't understand the level of Xiao Yu's soul realm.

The working part of Shenhundao cultivation technique has been cultivated to the peak level by him.

Xiao Yu was able to spur the sixth rank formation, that is to say, his soul power level was already able to compete with the combined Dao realm.

Even though the phantom sword formation was a fifth-rank formation, it was actually not too difficult to kill the He Dao realm in the state of extreme activation and Xiao Yu's soul realm.

Although in the last blow just now, Xiao Yu almost exhausted the power of his soul.

But don't forget, his magic sword formation has not been removed yet, wherever he goes, he is the formation eye!

It is not difficult at all to kill a few people who only have the Three Spirit Realm.

"I'll give you the antidote!! But you want to let my sister go!!" Mu Chunhao finally compromised at this moment.

He finally felt a sense of frustration.

Mu Chunhao flipped his hand and threw a small bottle out.

Xiao Yu took it, his thoughts penetrated into it, and muttered: "The peony medicine, silver scale animal blood, and Zizhi Ling are the antidote."

Mu Chunhao's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart shook again.

How would he know the ingredients in the antidote?

Xiao Yu ignored Mu Chunhao, turned and left, but headed in Mu Wanxin's direction.

Mu Chunhao's face changed drastically.


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