Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4487: Recurring fire

At this moment, Xiao Yu simply felt that the risk he took was the greatest risk he had come to a higher plane.

Even if he went to Tengyuan Continent before, he didn't feel that way.

Another example is going to the fierce land in the Orchid Tower Continent, he didn't feel so thrilling.

Yes, after all, this is a flame that can burn heaven and earth!

"It's terrible. Although I have never seen Burning Fire, this posture is far more terrifying than the beast fire in some monster beasts!" Qiong Qi also exclaimed.

Xiao Yu was already trying his best to spur the Jinshi flashing technique, walking around the courtyard.

And even if his Jinshi flashing technique was the level of the earth-level body magical technique, even the Hedao realm could not be easily surpassed, but Xiao Yu still felt the posture of the jackal, tiger and leopard behind him about to cover it.


The flame rose again and reached a height of a full 100 meters, and the entire Duanmu house was filled with flames.

Although the flames in the yard are breathless and cannot be transmitted outside, the flames of such a big size, not to mention the Duanmu family, are also seen by people outside.

"What happened to the Duanmu family? How could there be such a big flame?"

"Yeah, my God, Duanmu's house is on fire? But it's impossible!"

"No, did you feel it, such a big flame, there is not the slightest aura fluctuation."

These white moon-collared people were shocked.

The burning of the flame is a flame, which can arouse the spiritual power of the heaven and the earth, and the energy breath with the fire attribute is transmitted, but there is no such breath.

Suddenly, a pale-haired old man's face moved and said, "Could it be... the fire that happened forty years ago!?"

"Senior, what is the fire?" the young people asked the white-haired old man next to him.

The white-haired old man's eyes were a little frightened, and he immediately said solemnly: "It is said that forty years ago, a fire burned Duanmu Liangxin and all his colleagues who visited him to death. The flames of that time even spread throughout Baiyue. collar."

"The whole white moon collar!"

The pupils of those people shrank and they were shocked.

What kind of power can be transmitted to such a large range?

Although the entire white moon collar is not very big, it is at least as large as several kilometers!

Even a full blow from the Hedao Realm could not cause such a large-scale aura.

"Yes, the fire burned for three days and three nights, causing everyone in the white moon collar to retreat temporarily. I didn't expect another fire this time, but it didn't have the breath of the year." The old man was amazed.

He is a casual cultivator and has experienced things 40 years ago, so he knows clearly.

But what he doesn't know is, why is there no such horrible flame this time?

At this time, many people in the Duanmu family noticed the flames burning nearly 100 meters, and their complexions changed drastically.


All of a sudden, the Mu Family masters swept over, and their expressions suddenly turned upon seeing this scene.

"Uncle San, what happened!?"

A well-groomed middle-aged man rushed over and asked in shock.

And they also discovered the existence of Luo Feng, but their eyes fell on the courtyard.

This middle-aged person is not someone, but the white-yue-leader of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Mingshan.

"Someone went in."


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