Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4488: Heart Disease Fire

"Someone went in!?" The expressions of these Duanmu family changed drastically.

Duanmu Mingshan was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Uncle San, why would anyone go in? Didn't you guard here?"

"I let him in." The old man's eyes flickered slightly without hiding.

The Duanmu family's complexion changed even more.

"How come, why would Sanshugong let people in?"

"Could it be from our family?"

"How is it possible? The people in our family know about forty years ago, and this is a forbidden place!"

Immediately afterwards, they looked at Luo Feng one after another.

"It's him, and there is a kid who came in with him. That kid must have gone in!" The guard pointed at Luo Feng, his face changed drastically.

The people of the Duanmu family saw Luo Feng’s eyes with hostility. A young and energetic young man said angrily: “Who are you? Why did you break in here? You are trying to harm our Duanmu family. ?"

Duanmu Mingshan looked at Luo Feng suspiciously.

Facing the hostility of so many people, Luo Feng still held his head high, treating himself as his own home, and said with a kind of eagerness: "What are you worried about? Isn't there no flames? If there is, You were already burned to death."

Only then did Duanmu's family react.

Yes, there is no flame. If it is the same as forty years ago, can they still survive?

Of course, Duanmu Mingshan thought of this just now, so he was relatively calm.

But in any case, this place was once burned, who knows if this seal will be broken?

"I think this kid didn't just go in casually." The old man still looked at the courtyard and said calmly.

Compared to these people, his attention is on them, because he wants to know what kind of ability the person inside has.

Duanmu Mingshan and others also cast their eyes on the courtyard, and at the same time their minds were nervous.

After all, such flames had a great impact on their Duanmu family 40 years ago, and even Duanmu Mingshan's second uncle, Duanmu Liangxin, lost his life as a genius alchemist from Duanmu family.

The flames will re-ignite after forty years. They don't know if the scenes of that day will reappear. All they want to know is who is so bold and dares to provoke these flames.

"I have a feeling that this fire may be eliminated from the hearts of our Duanmu family forever." The old man said.

Duanmu Mingshan trembled all over, and his eyes flickered slightly.

The fire that happened 40 years ago had a great impact on the mind of the Duanmu family.

Because of the "arson", it was from the Mu family!

In other words, that is one's own person killing oneself!

Let me ask, for Duanmu, who lives and works in peace and contentment, has nothing to do with the world, and even wants to invite Duanmu, how can they not feel sad?

Even if forty years have passed, this is still a heart disease of the Duanmu family and even the Duanmu family.

Indeed, this flame is like a scar in the heart of the Duanmu family. If it can be collected, perhaps the haze in the hearts of the Duanmu family can be swept away a lot.

Even when they passed this yard, they would not retreat from three feet, talk about the tiger, and be frightened.

All of a sudden, the entire flame occupied a yard with a radius of several hundred meters.


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