Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4489: Blaze

"It's terrible, these flames have completely covered a yard." Xiao Yu was urging his body technique while thinking quickly.

Although it was thrilling here, Xiao Yu could still find an exit and then broke through.

But now it is completely impossible, he has almost no place to hide.

Because of these flames everywhere, even his induction became weak, and the perception of the soul was almost blocked.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yu who still had his heart and soul and could escape in the cracks, he would have been buried in the flames.

It can be said that Xiao Yu was in desperation at this time!

Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiongqi both became nervous.

"Oops, if you have the power of water attributes, you might be able to restrain it." Qinqi said anxiously.

Golden Wing Dapeng said in a deep voice: "It's useless, this level of flames, if you want to extinguish it, it's impossible without the world rankings, even if it is Yu Yan, if I was still in Beiming, I would also be afraid of this. Burn three points."

The Golden Winged Great Peng was originally the king of the North Ming. He used to be a Kun, but now he is a Peng. He has changed from a water attribute to a metallic one, so he can't help Xiao Yu at all.

"Since you can't restrain water and fire, boy, you will fight it with flame! You also have the power of burning fire, and it is not inferior to it!!" Golden Wing Roc said immediately.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered. In fact, that was what he thought before he entered. It's just that Burning's offensive was too terrifying. Not only was it chasing him to devour it, but it gave him the feeling of being wiped out.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu suddenly stopped his body shape, he immediately dissipated the Jinshi flash technique, and at the same time a fiery red flame burned up on his body.

Of course, the flame on Xiao Yu didn't have any offensive power, but he wanted to use it to fight against this kind of real afterglow of burning fire.

Two red flames burst out of Xiao Yu's eyes, and he was like a burning man in flames.

In front of him, there was an overwhelming flame, like a scourge, and it instantly rushed over.

But in such an instant, when this scourge was only an inch away from Xiao Yu, it suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter? The flame stopped?"

Seeing the flame no longer burned outside, it seemed as if it had suddenly stopped, and it was shocked in an instant.

But who knows, the next second, when everyone was astonished, the flames rose into the sky again, this time burning to a height of three hundred meters.

The bright red, even purple color made Duanmu Mingshan and others tremble again from the depths of their souls.

Luo Feng, who originally had confidence in Xiao Yu, changed his expression slightly and blurted out——


At the same time, with a "boom", the flames inside suddenly charged in all directions.

"Go!!" Duanmu Mingshan shouted.

Everyone retreated violently.

I saw that the flame seemed to be surrounded by a transparent wall, and could not break through that layer of barriers anyway.

It was like a cage full of flames, bound by the cage, unable to break through, but the feeling was still scary.

Because if it really rushed out, it would be more terrifying than it was forty years ago!

"No, this soul wall enchantment seems...a bit saturated!" An elder from the Duanmu family exclaimed.

Sure enough, the outermost boundary of the soul wall was actually shining with a kind of glazed light. This kind of light was the boundary being attacked by flames!

Everyone felt very upset.

And Luo Feng, the old man, and Duan Mu Mingshan, are more concerned about what happened to the person inside, because this was caused by the person inside!


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