Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4491: Protector of Ice (Part 2)

Xiao Yu now finally knows why the response of the entire academy would have been so great after receiving the three spirits of Yang Yao, Frost Ice, and even the Golden Wing Roc.

After all, that is the weapon of the magic weapon!

Although the magic weapon is already broken, in any case, it has always been in the magic weapon.

In the future, it can be repaired and grown together with the owner.

In fact, Xiao Yu did not pay much attention back then.

What he just thinks more is that the spirit can increase the attributes and attack power of the Seven Star Sword.

After all, he also had the Qixing Qi Ling at that time, and the Qixing Qi Ling was very powerful.

The saber of the Seven-Star Warlord is rumored to be invincible under great power. One sword can cut the earth and one sword can break the sky. What height is that?

And now, the sudden eruption of cold ice instantly gave Xiao Yu the capital to fight against the burning flames.

"Huh? Look, there seems to be something different inside!" The Duanmu family cried out immediately.

It is blue energy, which looks like ice and snow.

Is it the two heavens of ice and fire! ?

Luo Feng's eyes lit up, he seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed, "It must be Brother Yu's ice weapon spirit that is working!"

The old man looked at Luo Feng and frowned slightly.

"Qi Ling? It is Qi Ling, how can it easily resist these flames?"

They are too aware of how terrifying this kind of flame is, because it is the rumored flame of burning!

"You don't know this, it's the weapon spirit of the divine weapon, it is a kind of ice attribute." Luo Feng said proudly.

"God weapon spirit!?"

Everyone present was taken aback.

Of course, they know what the concept of the **** weapon spirit is, it is the most powerful and highest-grade weapon in the world!

Not to mention that you can get the spirit of the magic weapon, even if it is the magic weapon, it is extremely rare.

Duanmu Mingshan thoughtfully, obviously his interest in the person inside has become more intense.

At this time, if someone can get in, they can see a very strange scene.

That was the scene where Xiao Yu's body showed that it was burning with flames, but the surrounding area was icy and snowy.

"Thank you." Xiao Yu thanked him inwardly.

It can be said that the cold ice attribute has temporarily given Xiao Yu a chance to breathe, otherwise, I am afraid that he will sacrifice the blood vein killing power, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

But these flames won't let go, they are constantly colliding with this ice blue ghost.

"I know you can listen to me, but I just want you to listen to me."

Xiao Yu stared at the wolves and tigers and leopard flames, took a deep breath and said.

The flame's movement actually slowed down.

Sure enough, it is wise.

Xiao Yu flipped his hand, and a red flame appeared in his hand, which was transformed by the aura of burning fire.

At this time, the flame immediately stopped swallowing, and then the flames in the sky began to shrink slowly, and then turned into flames the size of a person.

The most other thing is that the color of the flame started to fade slowly, then faded, and finally turned into a faint white mist-like color.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared, and the road map for the burning of fire in Xiao Yu's mind also began to change color, becoming a kind of white!

And the flame in his hand, as well as the flame burning on his body, also turned pale white.

"This..." Xiao Yu was suddenly stunned.

What happened to this?

Suddenly, Qiongqi's voice sounded——

"This should be a kind of naturalization."


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