Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4492: Categorize


Xiao Yu whispered in his heart, he had heard rhubarb say this.

There are tens of thousands of powers in the world, and each power has its own attributes, not just the five five element attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

And when these forces encounter similarities, or a parent-child relationship, this phenomenon will occur.

Because there is a kind of connection invisibly, as if it is the feeling of blood connection.

And this connection will evolve when the two meet.

Seeing the white flame burning on his body, Xiao Yu was shocked.

The red flame is of course the most common in the world, and even the black flame he has himself, that is Heiyan.

But the white flame, he had met for the first time!

This reminded Xiao Yu of the Guna's clan that he had encountered in relation to Burning Fire when he was in the lower planes.

But when I think about it, Guna's clansmen only changed their bloodline because of the burning fire.

But this time is a little different from before.

The road map of Xiao Yu's burning fire was not collected completely before, but now it is collected completely.

In other words, his road map for the burning of fire is complete, it records the route of burning completely, and he is still remotely sensing the burning of fire.

Under such a complete premise, it is simply reasonable to have such a reaction with the flames of the Duanmu family to produce a phenomenon of naturalization and evolution.

And this also gave Xiao Yu an exact message, that is, the flame he encountered was a real firework!

The people outside saw that the flame inside turned into a kind of white, and they couldn't help being astonished.

"What happened? The white fire?" The Duanmu family was shocked.

The point is that the flame has changed its color without complaint. This is the strangest thing.

"Uncle San, what's the situation?" Duanmu Mingshan asked.

If the old man thought about it, he said: "I have been guarding here for forty years, forty years, occasionally a little afterglow will float out, but it's not in this color, strange."

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't relax the two. After all, the flame offensive inside still had no contact!

Feeling the white flame, Xiao Yu's mind did not relax.

Because this is only the role of naturalization, and did not come into contact with the burning fire on their own attacks.

And you must know that the outside of your body is supported by ice, so the danger is not in contact.

Xiao Yu's mind moved, and a branch of the sky tree spread his consciousness with him. Xiao Yu tried to go through his flame cover, then through the ice defense, and then directly touch the after flame of the burning fire outside.

"Boy, be careful, maybe your soul consciousness will be damaged." Qiongqi reminded solemnly.

This is not an ordinary sense of soul consciousness, but direct contact with the enemy with one's own consciousness. Of course, this risk is very great.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Only in this way can it prove that I have no malice."

Just as in the middle of cultivation, to use one's own consciousness to touch the spiritual power of heaven and earth, so that more of the spiritual power of heaven and earth can be used for oneself, you need to have a sincere heart.

Everything in the world has spirituality, and all living beings are all alone individuals. If they are connected by blood, they are even more unable to carry a kind of hostility and vigilance.

Soon, the branches of Tianmu passed through the flames, through the ice, and then spread.

And when Xiao Yu's consciousness had just spread, with a "boom", a strange sight appeared in his mind.


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