Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4493: Burning the sky!

What appeared in Xiao Yu's consciousness was a desolate mountain area.

This mountain area is as if it was before the ages, full of endless barren color.

The heaven and the earth turned out to be an astonishing crimson, as if being burned into the sky by fire.

And just in this way, a small white spot suddenly landed in the sky.

If you look closely, you can find that the little white dot is actually a flame the size of a thumb!

The flame fell to the ground, leaving a faint trace in the air, like a fairy descending to the earth, cold and arrogant and lonely.

And at this moment, all the red clouds in the sky began to frantically sweep through the sky.

The entire sky was swept out of an amazing tornado, the tornado covered the entire sky.

Xiao Yu's consciousness was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

Yes, so far, apart from the fact that he was violently walking on the lower planes due to his own killing power, and the black crow exploded with the power of the shock plane, Xiao Yu had only seen the power of destroying the world, but this It is totally different once.

It's like a kind of **** who is making beauty, even gathering all the power of the sky.

After all, what you need to know is that this is a higher plane!

Even if the world in your own consciousness doesn't know where it is, it is absolutely impossible to be a lower plane!

The terrifying fire cloud tornado seemed to gather the power of the entire sky.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's face was moved, because he discovered that the bottom of the tail of the tornado hurricane turned out to be that little white flame!


In his surprise, the fire cloud tornado rushed towards the white flame below frantically.

This is the power of heaven and earth to destroy a small flame!

From a distance, that little flame is nothing short of a drop in the ocean!

Xiao Yu held his breath again, his heart full of horror.

What is the power of heaven and earth, what kind of existence is it, and it is actually necessary to use the power of the entire plane to destroy a small flame?

Finally, the power of the sky on the entire plane fell at the same time, and this power could already destroy this continent.

But the next second, an unexpected scene appeared.

But I saw that little flame suddenly burned violently, and that posture, almost like burning the world, instantly rose to a hundred feet.

"Boom boom boom!"

The momentum of the Huoyun Tornado was actually blocked.

The shocking fluctuations that erupted during the contact between the two for a few seconds turned the whole world to tremble.

Xiao Yu had entered inside with consciousness, so he could feel how terrifying the power inside was.

That kind of feeling, even in places like the Coffin Continent, it can be destroyed!

Of course, Xiao Yu's concentration is still very good, after all, his consciousness and memory are even more shocking than this scene.

However, he was shocked that such a small flame could burst out with such a shocking power!

And what he knew, this was not an ordinary flame, it was a burning fire!

After the two stood in a stalemate for a while, the small burning fire burned again, and the burning flame went straight to the sky, and the entire fire cloud tornado was spread by the white flame.

The overwhelming flames suddenly spread to the sky of the entire plane.

When the fire comes out, burn the sky and boil the earth!


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