Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4494: Flame Beauty

In the sky, white flames burned for the entire time.

The sky, the earth, and even the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth in the space are completely filled with white flames.

The so-called single spark can start a prairie fire, and Xiao Yu finally sees how terrifying the burning ability is.

This is simply ruining the world!

His body was trembling violently, because his consciousness was experiencing a small shock that it had never experienced before.

Because of the gap, it became more shocking.

The power that can burn heaven and earth comes from a small flame!

This is so amazing!

Xiao Yu seemed to see a proud and glamorous woman, she was flying in the air, and her most moving material was dancing between the sky and the earth, making everything in the world surrender and be destroyed.

The white flame seems to be the proudest beauty in the world, and casts her beauty, making the world in deep water.


Soon, when the white flames began to disappear, the sky regained a chaotic world, and it was completely burnt out, and even disappeared in smoke.

Between heaven and earth, only the proud flame was left, burning quietly.

The whole world trembled and tranquil.

But at this moment, a voice came into Xiao Yu's mind.

"Boy, do you know that when you choose to enter my world, you are already in a dead end?"

Xiao Yu woke up from his sleep just now, and his whole body shuddered.

At the same time, he heard clearly that this voice turned out to be a woman with a cold and crisp taste.

"who are you!?"

Xiao Yu's expression changed drastically. He didn't have much time to worry about women or not, but all he knew was that there was a kind of anxiety in him suddenly.

Without saying anything, he immediately pulled away from his consciousness, but he actually found that his consciousness really couldn't go back!

"how is this possible!?"

Xiao Yu's face changed drastically.

After he came to a higher plane, coupled with the practice of the Buddhist sacred law, his style of behavior was almost confident, comfortable, and full of his own operations.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu actually had a posture that could not control his own life and death.

"It's it!"

Xiao Yu stared at the floating white flame.

Yes, there is only one flame left in the whole world, who else can it be?

"It seems that you have discovered that, hehe, human beings are so ridiculous, thinking that with a sincere heart, I can wait for all souls to treat each other? It seems that you humans are accustomed to pride." This voice is full of disdain and irony .

"Who are you?" Xiao Yu's eyes sank.

"Who am I? Haven't you been looking for me for a few years, and you actually asked who I am?"

Xiao Yu's pupils shrunk slightly and exclaimed: "Are you that burning fire?"

Starting from the sect world, he has already begun to look for the traces of Burning Fire.

Although Burning Fire was not the only pursuit of Xiao Yu's cultivation journey, he had also experienced many twists and turns!

This voice was so clear about his whereabouts, could it be that he already knew his purpose from the beginning.

"Don't think about it. From the moment you started contacting me, I have been in your body. What I didn't expect is that you are a descendant of the Asura clan."

Xiao Yu's eyes were murderous, and this woman even knew her identity!


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