Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4495: I was unexpected

The guards of the plane, as well as Chu Dongmen, they said to themselves, their identity is a very secret thing, it was chased by plane hunters, and cannot be told to outsiders.

The people who knew their identity were the most trusted people in Cangling Academy.

And Xiao Yu never told others about his identity.

But this burning fire actually knows his identity!

In fact, what Xiao Yu didn't know was that Burning Fire was originally a strange fire between heaven and earth, possessing its own intelligence.

This kind of burning of heaven and earth has existed for more than tens of thousands of years, and even when the heaven and earth first opened, the barren chaotic world had already appeared.

Therefore, their spiritual wisdom is beyond the existence of human beings.

Since Xiao Yu got that piece of parchment in the world of the sect, his every move has been controlled by Burning Fire.

"I understand, you set up the three road maps deliberately." Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a sudden realization in his heart.

"It seems you are not stupid." The woman said lightly.

"Back then, I portrayed my position on parchment paper, then divided it into thirds, and lowered it to the lower plane, just to let people find me."

In Xiao Yu's mind, he recalled the process of searching for three pieces of parchment.

The first one was obtained in the auction, and then there were positions for the second and third.

The second picture is that the people of Guna have passed on to Guna's body; the third picture is in the southern cloud region in the sect world.

"Actually, I know everything you did in Xiaotian World, do you know? At that time, I was already frustrated with your aspect, but I didn't expect it to fall into your hands, so I The test for you will begin."

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "At that time, Master Yu knew that Fenhuo was divided into three parts, and even a small part of the lower planes knew the history of Fenhuo, which you revealed."

"The people of the lower planes are too dull. If I don't do this, it will be impossible for more people to know, but even if I know it, not many people dare to look for it. Or, even if they collect three of them. , It is impossible for them to enter the higher plane."

"So, I was unexpected to you." Xiao Yu took the words.

At this moment, the white flame began to burn, and immediately transformed into a white woman's figure.

The woman was wearing white clothes, as if it were imaginary, but on the white and transparent face, it was so stunning.

Like a fairy descending from the heavens, sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers, but with a certain indifferent color in his eyes, and vaguely, there is the pink of peach blossoms all over his body.

Although it is a hazy face, at first sight, it is so confusing.

Is this the true body of Burning Fire! ?

Only then did Xiao Yu sounded. When Master Yu showed Burning Fire for the first time, it was a peachy white look!

The woman said, "Yes, it was unexpected for me to meet you, and what I was even more surprised was that your bloodline turned out to be the first family, the Shura clan."

"I saw a little hope in you, and you did not disappoint me. Because I know that even if other people have that power, they may not have the courage and ability to enter the world of nine days, but you are different, I know When you become stronger and know more, you will definitely go to Nine Heavens World."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and said, "In other words, you deliberately left your whereabouts on a lower plane, and you did this to avoid people here looking for you."

The woman's eyes burst out with a pink light, and in a short time, the temperature of the whole world dropped suddenly, and the sky turned into a peachy white color.

"You are worthy of being a descendant of the Shura clan. This kind of perception is simply rare in the world.


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