Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4497: And the weather is high!

The woman knew very well what kind of horror existed in the first and oldest first family in the world.

Although the Shura race is very far away now.

This era, even before the Great War and the Five Great Gods!

There was no figure of the Asura clan in the battle between gods and demons, because the Asura clan had already declined.

After hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, it only began to appear twenty years after the five gods.

Xiao Yu had only intermittent memories of this period of history, and it was only what people around him told him.

He has accepted and calmed down about his identity and blood.

"You haven't said what you want, if you want to kill me, you won't tell me so much." Xiao Yu said.

Although his consciousness was trapped in such a place, his woman didn't have that kind of murderous intent on him.

If it was really a murder, it would definitely not say so much.

"Oh? You think I told you so much, not because I wanted to kill you? It seems you are very arrogant." The woman said lightly.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "It's not that I am arrogant, but that your intentions are too obvious."

"Then talk about it."

"You put your route on the lower plane, nothing more than finding someone who can find your trace. As I said earlier, you chose the lower plane because you don’t want people on the higher plane to know Your whereabouts, so you would rather retreat, but you didn't expect to meet me."

"Since you know my every move, then you must also know that I will find here, and you just naturalized with the burning aura on my body, it means that your purpose has been revealed."

The woman faintly said: "Go on."

Xiao Yu suddenly became calm, and no longer felt the slightest confusion about not being able to go out, but felt relieved.

"If I guess right, this is not your body, or even just a point in your afterglow, but your consciousness can pass through any fireworks that have a relationship with you, until you feel that I have come to Duanmu House. ."

The woman did not speak, but Xiao Yu knew that his own conjecture was correct.

Burning fire is an immortal existence, even if it is the rest of the flames.

I came to Duanmu's house because of the induction of the burning road map. As long as there is a residual flame, even if there is no "substance" consciousness, it can be felt.

Because Xiao Yu knew that the body of Burning Huo could not be in Duanmu's house.

And it is reasonable to say that it is in the hands of Mu Clan's Mu Teng.

Therefore, after feeling the arrival of Xiao Yu, the woman began to summon flames to attack her, which was actually a temptation and test.

In the back, what the woman did not expect was that Xiao Yu had a tool spirit with the ice attribute and forced her back.

From that moment on, she and Xiao Yu's burning fire aura formed a kind of naturalization.

Said it was naturalization, but it was actually attracting Xiao Yu himself to be "deceived".

And after all this was figured out, Xiao Yu was able to guess that since this woman had known of her existence for several years, and her consciousness had come to Mu Family to meet her, how could it be as simple as pure murder.

If it is really pure killing, why she has to spend so much time.

"Then do you think I came to you because of what?" the woman asked suddenly.

"The greatest possibility is to ask me to save you." Xiao Yu blurted out.

The woman's eyes flashed again, and an icy breath filled Xiao Yu's consciousness.

But Xiao Yu stood up straight, not afraid at all.


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