Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4502: Another supreme law

The breakthrough in the mortal body in Xiao Yu's mouth did not refer to other cultivation, but only to the soul.

Spiritual power can break through the body of the mortal fetus, step through the void, and travel too empty.

The physical body can also break through the mortal body and step into the nerves.

The soul can also do the same. This was what Mu Yin told Xiao Yu the last time he drew Xiao Yu.

After all, the way of cultivation still needs the flesh.

No matter what kind of cultivation, it is impossible to rely on the shackles and shackles of this world, and the soul is the same.

But the soul is a little different from ordinary spiritual power cultivation.

The soul wants to break through the mortal womb, step through the void, and then enter the divine realm and reach the state of the gods, which is thousands of times more difficult than ordinary cultivation, or even more.

According to Mu Yin's words, there hasn't been a single person in the soul who wants to reach the gods!

When the soul reaches the divine realm, it is not the ordinary divine realm, but the soul breaks through the divine realm.

The woman nodded slightly, and said: "There is nothing wrong with you thinking this way. I am not afraid to tell you that the strongest person who gets me is more than double digits, and the weakest is a realm below the spirit realm, the strongest, even Of course there are a few soul cultivators, they are all in the heavenly spirit realm, and even two are in the divine spirit realm, and I have never seen a person whose soul is sanctified. Of course this legend exists."

"But, do you know, what is the reason?"

Xiao Yu looked at the woman and shook his head.

The difficulty of transcendence for souls is so great, which means that after reaching the divine realm, it is definitely not comparable to the so-called gods.

Although the gods are the most powerful realm of power since ancient times, from the ancient times to the battle between gods and monsters, there were at least a dozen or twenty gods.

Then to the five gods before the play.

It is conceivable that although the gods of the past were also the strongest existence in the world, the gods can travel around the world of the nine heavens at will, and it is not known to break through this highest plane.

But what about the transcendence of the soul?

It is unheard of, but what is the reason?

"In fact, I can't answer you this question." The woman said.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, this guy was talking nonsense.


The woman said: "My former master, he is only one step away from the peak of the spiritual realm. In his words, the nine-day world generally has two supreme laws, one is the law of space, and the law of space corresponds to the spiritual power of heaven and earth. When you have a certain level of understanding of heaven and earth, you will be able to comprehend the power of the laws of space, open up the second world space, and establish your own world laws.

Xiao Yu nodded, this Qiongqi they had also told themselves.

One of the two most powerful forces in the world, one is the power of the law of space, which is above all forces.

However, Xiao Yu's heartbeat jumped again, and he asked nervously, "Are you trying to say that the power of the soul is comprehended to the extreme, which corresponds to the power of the other kind of supreme law?"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Yu suddenly took a deep breath. Even though he had always had such an idea before, he was still a little shocked when he heard such a statement at this moment and was still spoken by an existence that had lived for so long.

Mu Yin said that there are basically two types of cultivators in the world, soul cultivators and spiritual power cultivators.

The highest realm of spiritual power is the power of the laws of space.

So obviously, the supreme realm of the power of the soul is that other kind of supreme law power!


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