Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4503: Soul epiphany! (on)

"Then what kind of power is this?" Xiao Yu asked again.

The woman glanced at Xiao Yu and said indifferently, "You also know that no one has reached such a state from ancient times to the present, who knows?"

Although he already knew the answer, even if he knew the question was not bold, Xiao Yu still wanted to ask it.

"So, I can't be distracted. I am looking for Burning Fire, which is actually not my main purpose. It's just my belief that I found a higher plane from a lower plane. Moreover, it is rumored that Burning fire has a high attack power. Destroying the world, I have the opportunity to collect it and increase my strength." Xiao Yu sighed softly, said.

"You are wrong to think so." The woman sneered.

Xiao Yu frowned and looked at the woman.

"You should be the other way around. Formation is a kind of comprehension, and alchemy is also a kind of comprehension. Similarly, refining is also a kind of comprehension. They are all based on the power of the soul, but do you know that these are actually three paths?"

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he said in a tone of asking for advice: "I would like to hear the details."

The woman turned around and said calmly: "The formation is based on the delicate soul power to construct countless frames, and then add attributes to form various offensive and defensive forces. Am I right?"

"Yes." Xiao Yu replied without even thinking about it, after all, the formation master is his sub-professional!

"For another example of alchemy, the power of the soul needs to sense the complex attribute energies in various elixir, so as to match them. Then the control of the flame and the fusion of various energies are a kind of control of the energy of all things in the world. Cultivation, am I right?"

Then Xiao Yu thought for a while, and then said: "You are right."

Indeed, before alchemy, you first need to remove the elixir, which has various attributes and contains thousands of energy attributes.

The pill is a combination of countless kinds of elixir.

And this whole process, or the whole journey of alchemy, is not a perception and learning of the attribute energy of everything in the world?

Xiao Yu drew a sigh of relief. Vaguely, he seemed to be about to catch something, but he couldn't catch it.

"Senior, please continue talking." Xiao Yu became more respectful.

The woman turned around, looked at Xiao Yu, and said, "Do you know that in addition to flames, what is the most important raw material for the refining process?"


"What is the level of that weapon?"

"If it is divided by rank, there are spirit treasures and divine weapons. However, there are innate and nurture if bred and refined by heaven and earth."

"You're right. The level of weapons is refined based on ores, and ores are heaven and earth spirits that have witnessed tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of history."

Xiao Yu suddenly said, "Senior means that the process of refining tools is an understanding of raw materials, or an experience of history."

"Not bad!"


In an instant, Xiao Yu's mind suddenly buzzed, as if something had been broken, his whole person had entered a posture of enlightenment.

He seemed to have seen the most real, longest, and even most incredible scene in the world.

His consciousness flew into the past and into the future, and even some strange changes occurred in his whole mood.

It's as if what I have been cognizing for a long time suddenly gets deeper, from its roots, ages, and even things that I have never imagined before.

In an instant, the so-called figure in Xiao Yu's consciousness was flashing with a faint light, and Xiao Yu entered a state of selflessness.

Enlightenment, enlightenment!


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