Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4506: Peach Lotus Core

Xiao Yu couldn't help being moved, and the conversation with this Burning Woman really shocked him too much.

"Senior is right. Balance is indeed the way of all things. But I still want to try it. No one wants to break through the mortal body, and no one wants to transcend the mortal body. Since there is such an opportunity, I am willing to try."

Xiao Yu asked himself that there were not many things he had cultivated, and that he was able to achieve such harmony and balance in all his cultivation methods because he also understood the way of balance.

What's more, he still has a second world space!

"Your ambition is indeed not small, but what I have said may not be completely correct, because you need to experiment by yourself before you know your good fortune."

"Understood." Xiao Yu nodded.


Xiao Yu gave a wry smile, he no longer had any hostility towards the burning woman, but accepted it with all his heart.

And now, having said so much, it is finally about to get to the point, right?

"Senior, you say." Xiao Yu said calmly.

The so-called use of people's money to eliminate disasters is normal. The other party has given himself part of the fire, so of course he has to do something.

The woman glanced at Xiao Yu and snorted coldly: "The world really has such a small heart. I haven't said yet, how do you know what you are going to do? I don't want you to die."

"Um..." Xiao Yu was speechless and said with a wry smile, "Since I have decided to make alchemy, then I want to kill someone better than me, and I will also go."

The woman glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise, and these words contained a certain determination, which made her look up and down.

But she still said indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't want you to kill people, but you want to fight for yourself what I give you."

Xiao Yu was a little bit stunned. How could his words resemble what she said at the beginning when she was looking for Fenhuo, and then she might confront the powerhouse in the Soul Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the Burning Huo woman told Xiao Yu her own part of the burning method, and also warned herself some things.

Listening and listening, Xiao Yu went from being calm, then became surprised and thoughtful.

"That's it." Xiao Yu's eyes flickered. He didn't expect that the so-called part would be obtained in this way.

The woman said: "Relatively speaking, the difficulty will not be so great, but you should not take it lightly, but there are also many strong people in this continent. You should know that there will be strong people around the alchemist who are protecting."

"Ok, I know."

"Okay, I have already counted it here. I can't maintain this kind of long-distance transmission of consciousness for too long. When you get that part of my body, I will reappear. Also, let it be good. "

After all, the figure of this woman slowly disappeared.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "By the way, senior, what is your name?"

Then Xiao Yu seemed to realize something was wrong, and then asked, "What is your name for this burning fire?"

Then after thinking about it, his face is a little weird, how can it seem strange to ask?

At the moment when the figure of the woman finally disappeared, her voice was no longer so indifferent, but with a moving smell--

"Peach Lotus Core."

Xiao Yu murmured: "Peach lotus, peach lotus, the core of peach lotus, peach core... it's a pretty name."


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