Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4507: The flame is gone

While Qiongqi and Golden Winged Dapeng were waiting in a hurry, soon the overwhelming branches of the sky began to converge, and Xiao Yu's consciousness also returned.

"Boy, are you back?" Qiongqi was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.

The Golden Wing Roc was also relieved.

"What happened just now?" Qiongqi asked.

"I'll talk to you when I have time, and solve this first."

At this time, Xiao Yu's originally empty eyes began to calm down, and they also became deep.

He thought: "Thank you."

The Ice Tool Spirit persisted for so long, and was finally summoned back by Xiao Yu.

This time without the help of the Ice Tool Spirit, Xiao Yu might not be able to hold on to the moment when he could communicate with the other party.

The ice artifact turned into a stream of light and entered the Seven Star Sword, and then shook a bit, looking a little proud.

Xiao Yu smiled lightly and immediately returned to reality.

In the same way, the road map for the burning of fire in his consciousness disappeared, and then he shouted: "Close!"

The overwhelming white flame turned into a swirling stream of light, and then fell into Xiao Yu's hands.

"This is the core of Taolian."

Seeing the quietly burning in his hand, with a small flame that was translucent with a pink and milky white color, Xiao Yu nodded secretly.

"Tao Zhiyaoyao, scorching Qihua." Xiao Yu smiled.

Seeing this quiet flame, Xiao Yu seemed to have seen that graceful and beautiful figure.

He shook his head and put away the flame.

"Patriarch, look, the flame is gone!"

Just as everyone was waiting anxiously, they suddenly discovered that the white flames had disappeared!

"Could it be..." Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

This reminded them that dozens of people were burned to death here decades ago!

Is the person inside also dead?

The old man sighed, with a look of regret.

And Luo Feng frowned, telling him intuitively that Xiao Yu would not die so easily.

And the whole Duanmu family showed that kind of regret.

Too many people have died here, and now some people have broken in. Isn't this looking for death?

"Uncle San, from now on, don't let people in." Duanmu Mingshan shook his head and said.

Every time a person dies here, he will remember one more time, and the pain will increase.

"Brother Yu won't die so easily, I want to go in and take a look." Luo Feng said, he was going to rush in after he said, but he was caught by the old man.

"Don't go in and look for death, as soon as the burning fire comes out, burning the heavens and the earth, it seems that from the time he enters, there is probably not much chance of survival." The old man still kindly persuaded.

Luo Feng's heart was shaken, and he was about to speak, but a figure stepped out from inside, it turned out to be Xiao Yu!

Duanmu's family was shocked, and the old man's pupils shrank even more.

He is alive!

And this person didn't even have any damage!

How is this possible?

That's Burning Fire!

Even Duanmu Mingshan was shocked, this kid is no more than a virtual spirit realm, what is he capable of! ?

"Brother Yu!"

Luo Feng immediately jumped up and smiled in surprise: "I knew that this burning fire would definitely not burn you."

Xiao Yu laughed and cursed, and said, "What are you talking about, you think I was burned to death!"


The entire Duanmu family looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

Of course they didn't know who Xiao Yu was, but the hostility in their eyes was already covered by shock.

Xiao Yu glanced at the crowd, then fell on a well-groomed middle-aged man, and immediately walked forward, clasping his fists.

"This must be the Duanmu Patriarch, and the junior has something to ask."


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