Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4508: Removal of heartburn

In the lobby of Duanmu House.

At this time, there were only Duanmu Mingshan, and his third uncle, and the others were some elders and strong men of the Duanmu family.

Of course, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng were the focus of the audience.

In other words, almost all their eyes fell on Xiao Yu.

It can be said that they were the most shocked in these decades.

They all know that this flame is the aftermath of a burning fire, which will not go out after decades of burning, but this person can come and go freely!

How can this not shock them? !

Although they didn't know the identities of Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, and he didn't know that they came here to find them, but they could still guess that this person must have something to do with Fenhuo.

Of course, the questions in their hearts are actually very strong. Is this really a virtual spirit realm?

One of the Duanmu family elders asked: "Little brother, I think the flames of the burning fire seem to have been absorbed away, and it doesn’t seem to be convergent. Could it be..."

"Yes, there will no longer be the afterglow of the burning fire. I think Duanmuliang New Senior also hopes you will look forward." Xiao Yu said.

The entire Duanmu family was immediately moved, and many people's eyes flickered slightly, with deep emotion.

Even Duanmu Mingshan and his third uncle sighed terribly.

Xiao Yu could clearly feel that Duanmuliang's new death was a very painful thing for the Duanmu family.

Duanmu Liangxin is a genius alchemist from the Duanmu family, and even the leader of the younger generation among Huangzhe's teachers.

But after a trip to pick the elixir, it disappeared after returning. Who can accept this?

The most important thing is that it was made by the Mu family!

In terms of blood, this is his own!

This makes the Duanmu family more painful.

Moreover, this murderer has been in their Duanmu family for decades. Whether in mind or in their perception of the path of cultivation, it is a stumbling block to their Duanmu family, and they can't breathe in their chests.

It's alright now, the afterglow of the burning fire has disappeared, which is equivalent to the haze that has enveloped the Duanmu family for decades can be eliminated.

Although they know that they still have regrets and even defects deep in their hearts, they also know that only by letting go of the past can they devote themselves to the future.

Soon, they returned to reality, and the look in their eyes when they saw Xiao Yu became serious and alert.

No matter what this person did, it was definitely not the first to help them Duanmu family, but for his own purposes.

In this case, they cannot take it lightly.

The Duanmu family has been in peace for so many years, but no one has ever dared to break into their house so blatantly.

At such an age and courage, how can they not let them take it seriously.

But this person really shocked them, so many people are so neither humble nor overbearing.

Upon closer inspection, this popularity is extraordinary, with a gentle and approachable aura.

The deep eyes are like an abyss, making people unable to see through.

Reprimanding Fang Qiu, full of spirit, really shows the talent, the courage of a young man.

However, as the head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Mingshan naturally has to consider the safety of the entire family.

"Little brother, what is your purpose for coming to my white moon collar."

Xiao Yu replied: "I came here to find information about Burning Fire. I don't have any malice against Duanmu family. I have got what I want, but now there are other things I want to ask Duanmu Patriarch."


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