Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4509: Provoking Duanmu's bottom line

Duanmu's family was a little surprised.

At this time, the old man stood up, looked at Xiao Yu, and said: "Old man Duanmuqi, little brother, I can feel that you have no malice, but my Duanmu family has not had much contact with the outside world for so many years. , And don’t want to get caught up in any struggle."

"We thank you for removing a piece of heart disease for our Duanmu family, but you also got what you want. When we meet together, why don't our two families rejoice?"

Duanmuqi's words are already in it with a kind of tactful rejection.

After Xiao Yu heard this, he thought to himself that this Duan Mu family really has a soft character, not fighting or grabbing, not fighting against the world, and indifferent to fame and wealth.

But how could Xiao Yu leave the Duanmu family with these words, plus he himself is a person who has not died of the Yellow River.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "I have always heard that the Duanmu family has been governing the family with a gentle policy, but I think that sometimes, it can be innovative, without just sticking to it."

These words made these elders and masters of the Duanmu family's face sinking slightly.

They are all smart people, how could they not know what Xiao Yu was talking about.

Originally, Duan Muqi had already understood the words very clearly, so they and Xiao Yu were treated as not knowing each other, and then they had to go and get together.

But who would have thought that this person would have said this.

Because of these words, they have been a serious provocation to their Duanmu family for hundreds of thousands of years!

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes flickered, but he did not speak. Instead, an old man from the Duanmu family said solemnly: "Little brother, we respect you, but please respect us. We have experienced so many years in the Duanmu family, and we naturally have us. Based on the reasons, not you, an outsider can comment on."

"Yes, you, an outsider, are not qualified to talk about our family, and this is also an internal matter of our family."

"Boy, please go back."

Luo Feng muttered to himself, this Duan Mu family's character is too soft, right?

If Xiao Yu talked about the ancestors of his family like this, the ordinary family would have long been at a loss.

But Luo Feng was also secretly surprised, what is Brother Yu doing?

This person's site actually questioned them!

Could it be that he burned his head in Burning Fire's consciousness?

Although Luo Feng himself admitted that he was more outspoken than Xiao Yu, he did not dare to comment so much when it came to hundreds of thousands of years, even thousands of years of family governance.

Luo Feng immediately said: "Everyone, my brother didn't mean that. He didn't mean anything."

After that, Xiao Yu gave a wink, and it seemed that if you want to ask others, you don't have to say that!

It is clear that the Duanmu family has declined like this. Isn't this a suspicion of stomping on them two more feet, or being ridiculed by them?

However, Xiao Yu nodded slightly and said, "I mean, you can do both soft and hard. Could it be that Senior Liang Xin has been dead for so long, haven't you acted?"

Speaking of Duanmu Liangxin, Duanmu Mingshan's face suddenly became gloomy.

At the same time, everyone's breath became restless.

However, in Xiao Yu's view, this restless atmosphere is like being irradiated by the sun in spring, and then a little bit more temperature. It is not at all the kind of angry anger, but more of a secret anger. With a kind of powerlessness in it.

Judging from their reaction, Xiao Yu was even more certain that Duanmu's family did not actually take any action.

After a long while, Duanmu Mingshan finally spoke, and he said solemnly: "Enough, don't talk about it anymore, if you don't leave, just stop blaming us for using force."

Xiao Yu suddenly sighed inwardly and said, "I really feel unworthy for the dead Senior Liang Xin."

"Boy, what did you say!!"

Finally, a white-haired old man from Duanmu's family was furious.


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