Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4511: Big breath

The whole Mu family was suddenly shocked, and they looked at Xiao Yu incredulously.

They felt that what Xiao Yu said was simply incredible, even a kind of brazen talk.

Even Luo Feng was shocked.

"Brother Yu?"

Although before they left, Xiao Yu said that if he had a chance, he would seek justice for Huang Zhe's junior.

But the premise is the opportunity.

And Luo Feng knew that this would almost never happen!

After all, this is equivalent to going to the Mu family to find Mu Teng to settle accounts!

That is the first alchemist in the Coffin Continent!

How to calculate this account?

So Luo Feng was shocked. What is Brother Yu doing? Is this going to die?

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about?" Duanmu Zelin sneered.

What he didn't say was that a kid in the virtual spirit realm was so bold!

That's Mu Family!

The masters around Mu Teng didn't know the geometry, and they were even more powerful than the Awakening Realm. If they went there, it was like going to die!

Xiao Yu looked at Duanmu Mingshan and said, "Senior, what I want is very simple, your white moon-collared well water."

The entire Duanmu family's face changed wildly.

One of the Duanmu parents exclaimed: "How do you know!?"

And Duanmuqi's eyes flickered. Could it be that Brother Huang told him?

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes burst out with an astonishing cold glow, which seems to have even worsened the murderous intent on him.

Luo Feng was stunned

Bai Yueling thought that because of the terrain, it was a crescent valley like a crescent, so it was called Bai Yueling.

And Baiyueling has a well, just at the end of Baiyueling, that well is called Baiyuejing.

The Baiyue Well comes from a dry well, but on the fifteenth of the first month of each month, the water in the Baiyue Well will be filled with the essence of the sun and moon.

It is said that this Baiyue Well is a treasure of the Duanmu family, because the well water in the Baiyue Well has the same effect of refining soul fruit——

Refine the soul and enhance the soul perception ability.

To put it simply, it is able to enhance the soul realm.

This was what Huang Zhe told them. Of course, Huang Zhe also said it as a peculiar point of the white moon collar.

Of course, Huang Zhe also said at the time that this secret is only known to the Duanmu family, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

Duanmuliangxin and Huangzhe had the best relationship back then. Duanmuliangxin told him this secret.

Of course, Huang Zhe also repeatedly urged that unless he helped the Duanmu family a lot, he should not mention this in front of them.

Because this well is the treasure of the Duanmu family, this essence of the sun and the moon will only be used by the Duanmu family to train young children.

Another thing is, if you say it, the Duanmu family will naturally blame Huangzhe's head, then Huangzhe is a villain.

The entire Duanmu family became nervous, how could they not know what kind of existence Bai Yuejing was.

This person actually came to plot their Baiyuejing!

"This matter has nothing to do with Huang Lao. Huang Lao also wants to find out the truth for his junior and disciple, and ask for justice. So I also hope that I can help you, of course, the condition is the essence of Baiyuejing."

Duanmu Zelin laughed angrily: "The essence of Baiyuejing condenses only once a month, and only one mouthful at a time, one mouthful can help my Duanmu family improve their cultivation for several months! Boy, you give it to you, you When is my Duanmu home?"

"I need the essence of this well, because with him, I have the capital to go to the Mu Family to seek this justice." Xiao Yu said calmly.

This remark once, not to mention Luo Feng, is that everyone in the Duanmu family was surprised.

"Brother Yu, are you crazy? Are you really going to the Mu family!?"


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