Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4512: Lesson to Mu Family

Luo Feng had never thought that Xiao Yu would say such crazy words.

Didn’t you say you won’t go to Mu's house?

Why do you say you are going now! ?

Killed so many people in the Mu Family in Qingmu Town, and at the same time even Mu Hong was killed. It would be okay if this kid hadn't been passed on to the Mu Family Clan. If it passed, it would not have made Xiao Yu a world chase after him. Is it a target?

However, Luo Feng was not blindly anxious. He thought that after Xiao Yu appeared to come out of Burning Fire's consciousness, something seemed to have changed.

Just as facing the Duanmu family, Xiao Yu didn't even fear the anger of the Duanmu family and angered them to avenge Duanmuliang.

He knew that the Duanmu family had such a personality, but he still chose to burn the anger of the Duanmu family. Is there any intention?

Another, the essence of Baiyuejing, Huang Zhe explained that if it hadn't been a great help to the Duanmu family, or had a certain amount of capital to do business with the Duanmu family, it could not be easily said.

Now Xiao Yu actually said that he would go to the Mu Family to seek justice!

The clever Luo Feng seemed to have thought of something.

Of course, the Duanmu family was taken aback. This kid He De He Neng said that he was going to the Mu family to seek justice back! ?

Is he crazy?

Even in the discussion of alchemy, Duanmu Mingshan and others' views on Xiao Yu could not be Mu Teng's opponent.

Even if it is strength, even a hundred virtual spirit realms can not touch a single feather of the Mu family.

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes flickered, and he secretly said: What on earth does this kid have?

But after all, Duanmuqi thought of more. He shook his head and said, "Little brother, I don’t know what you can do. Maybe you really have a way, but this is the grievance between my Duanmu family and the Mu family. Outsiders can’t help it. Intervene."

Xiao Yu didn't know what they were thinking. He sneered and said, "You are trying to avoid a dispute with the Mu family and hurt this kindness, but do you know that in their eyes, you are nothing."

"You treat the Mu family as members of your bloodline family, but they treat you as subordinates, and they don’t even look at you. You were forced to such a corner and put pressure on other families to cut off from your Duanmu family. Don’t tell me that you don’t know the exchanges between them."

Duanmu Mingshan and others were moved, and their expressions fell silent.

Yes, Xiao Yu had already noticed that before entering Baiyueling, there were few people here, which showed that few people were willing to come to meet Duanmu's family.

The Mu Family is the first family in the Coffin Continent, and their means and strength are unimaginable.

After all, the Duanmu family is the most orthodox clan. The Mu family pressured other families to break off diplomatic relations with the Duanmu family to prevent the Duanmu family from rising.

Even if all the children of the Duanmu family are calm and uncontested, the Mu family still did.

"You are doing everything possible to maintain the Mu Family, but how do you think that the Mu Family will only guard against you, alienate you, even block you, and let you decline on your own. Even so, in order to maintain this so-called bloodline, the so-called self is even the closest to yourself. People don't care about life or death." Xiao Yu shook his head.

This can be described as the heart of each word, in the same sentence.

Duanmu Zelin trembled and gritted his teeth: "As I said before..."

"I don't care what you thought before, now there is such an opportunity, it depends on whether you want to do this."

"The Mu Family is not benevolent, you can't be unrighteous, but you absolutely must teach the Mu Family a lesson, right?"


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