Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4513: Maple Blue Domain Lodging (Part 1)

Xiao Yu's words simply moved Duanmu Mingshan and others.

Why don't they feel sorry for the death of Duanmuliangxin? Of course they want to teach the Mu family a lesson, but what can they do?

They can do nothing.

Even the clan has nothing to do. What can a collateral family do?

Although they didn't want to hurt the harmony of the two sides, the Mu Family killed his own people after all!

Duanmuqi clenched his fist, and suddenly said in a solemn voice: "You are right. We treat the Mu family as our own people, and what did the Mu family treat us for? Nothing!! If you really want to have old feelings, they won't I will do this to my second brother!"

"That's right! After so many years, after the Mu family has grown, how has it helped us!? No! Even we were forced to such a place, no people, no business, no circulation of cultivation resources, this is to kill them all! "

"It's simply deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestor! What they are flowing is the blood of our Duanmu family!! How can they treat us like this!"

Xiao Yu's words immediately aroused the emotions of the Duanmu family.

Maybe it's the oppression they are under, or they are too cold-eyed, they only need one point to vent all the resentment and dissatisfaction in their hearts.

"Uncles, calm down."

In the end, the Patriarch Duanmu Mingshan spoke. He took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, but he was staring at Xiao Yu.

"Little brother, I don't know where your confidence comes from. We do have a lot of resentment against the Mu Family, but it doesn't mean that we can compete with them. You have to know what huge monster you are facing! The current Mu Family clan , Possessing the elixir of more than half of the Coffin Continent, many powerhouses even traveled far and wide to visit. The Mu Family is already well-known throughout the Nine Heavens World’s major families! What do we fight against them? Don’t say let them be taught, even us They don’t even have the capital to move them!"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu, and the enthusiasm they had just said was said by Duanmu Mingshan, and it seemed to have died down.

Faced with such people's doubts, Xiao Yu had a look of expectation in his eyes. He said indifferently: "You have the right to choose or not, but I can tell you that you believe me and I will give you an explanation. "

These words are concise and concise, but they make people see the strong confidence and courage in Xiao Yu's words.

It was as if the person in front of him was not a virtual spirit realm, but a powerful man who suddenly appeared and saved their family.

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes were startled and uncertain.

To be honest, he certainly knew the desire in the eyes of his uncles, and it was also the desire in his own heart.

However, the Duanmu family has been closed for too long. It can be said that they don't trust anyone anymore, except those from the Duanmu family.

Sometimes he thought carefully and caused such a situation, it is of course the blood flowing from the Duanmu family, that they are born without fighting.

But there is also such an external reason, that is, the Mu family's rejection of their Duanmu family.

As the Patriarch of the Duanmu Family, he certainly hoped that the Duanmu Family could become stronger, but he felt powerless.

Xiao Yu's appearance was like a ray of light in the darkness, allowing him to see hope, but this ray of light was so far away and still so strange.

Does he want to catch it well or not?

And at this moment, someone outside the door suddenly reported--

"Patriarch, the people of Fenglanyu came here, saying that they wanted to stay here."

"Maple Blue Domain!" Duanmu's family was suddenly slightly surprised.


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