Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4514: Maple Blue Domain Lodging (Part 2)

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng glanced at each other, both of them looked a little surprised.

The Coffin Continent is very large, and of course there are many areas. Qingmu Town can be regarded as a very weak existence.

The maple blue domain is a big domain of the Mu family.

Maple Blue Region has five cities. This time, the Mu Family of the clan summoned geniuses from the entire Coffin Continent to train there. The five cities of Maple Blue Region each recommended an alchemy genius.

Yes, the purpose of their trip is also Yatou Town.

So Xiao Yu and Luo Feng certainly knew their existence.

"Maple Blue Territory is thousands of miles away from us, and it takes several days to go all the way. For so many years, the people of Maple Blue Territory will never set foot on us."

"Yes, one more thing, the direction of Yatou Town is not in the path of Maple Blue Domain, how could they come here to stay?"

Suddenly, the eyes of Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmuqi and Duanmu Zelin flashed.

"It seems that the weasel is giving New Year greetings to the rooster, uneasy and kind." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

"Patriarch, what shall we do?" the disciple who had just passed on the message asked.

Duanmu Mingshan was silent, but his face was a bit ugly.

"Uncle San, what do you think?" Duanmu Mingshan asked.

Duanmuqi's eyes thoughtfully said: "They have never visited my Baiyueling. If they don't let them in, Fenglanyu will definitely make a big fuss. They will participate in a book with us at the sacrificial meeting. Suppressed even harder."

Duanmu Zelin took the words and said: "And if we let them in, our white moon-collar children might be messed up."

Everyone was pondering, waiting for Duanmu Mingshan's order.

After all, in this room, Duanmu Mingshan is the head of the family.

After a while, Duanmu Mingshan sighed and said, "Arrange a place for them to move in, and entertain them well."

The disciple of Tong Chuan was taken aback, and immediately retired with some loss.

The Duanmu family didn't say anything, they just looked very ugly.

Although this is not the result they want, it is the only thing they can do!

"Patriarch, then they..."

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu and Lu Luofeng.

Duanmu Mingshan looked at Xiao Yu. To be honest, what Xiao Yu said really moved his heart.

But he knew that he had more important things to deal with right now.

"Uncle San, leave this to you."

After all, Duanmu Mingshan waved his hand, after all, he went to the inner hall by himself.

Many people in the hall had dispersed, but before they left, their eyes looked at Xiao Yu with a look of expectation.

Because what Xiao Yu said just now, it was the deepest thought in their hearts.

But they also know that it is impossible for an outsider to believe at will.

Even so, this is equivalent to tying their entire Duanmu family's life to this person!

Duanmuqi looked at Xiao Yu for a long time, and finally he asked, "Boy, what happened to you in Burning Fire."

Xiao Yu nodded secretly, the whole Duanmu family, I am afraid that only Duanmuqi guessed something.

But Xiao Yu said: "This senior doesn't care, just consider my proposal."

"You are so confident that you can succeed, we will accept?" Duanmuqi stared at Xiao Yu.

"I'm not sure, so give me three days. I stay here for three days. After three days, if there is no answer I want, I will leave."

"and then?"

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "Then go back to the college."


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