Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4518: Bloodless Duanmu Family

The middle-aged man's eyes had a cold and disdainful gesture.

Of course he is too lazy to be familiar with ordinary children. He sneered and said to Duanmu Jin: "We Maple Domain is also a big **** in the Coffin Continent anyway. We will stay here for your blessing!! Maybe our young master will go to Mujia in the future. A few words from the clan, the clan is showing great compassion, you may be able to prosper here, otherwise, you can only continue to decline!"

The Duanmu family was shocked and angry, and the young children were glaring.

What is this?

It's like saying that they are beggars. If the master has a reward, they can survive. People will feel very uncomfortable after hearing this.

What's more, in terms of the maternal line, the Duanmu family is the real descendant family. This so-called Mu family is just a side line!

And this is the place where their Baiyue leader Duanmu's family is. How can it be such a person's turn to be presumptuous here?

The people of the Duanmu family are not bloodless, but they have been bent over for too long, and they are a gesture of turning fighting into jade, and don't want to make simple things so big.

But in any case, the Duanmu family also has a temper, but it will not break out easily.

Duanmujin's face was a little ugly and gloomy, but he did not break out.

And the middle-aged Mu family was even more disdainful when they saw this.

The Duanmu family is so weak that he is almost to say it.

However, seeing Duanmujin's daring but unspeakable posture, the pride on his face became even stronger.

"Come here, clean up Keqing's room and let them move in." Duanmujin groaned for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Jin..." The young disciples were suddenly surprised, very surprised by Duanmujin's practice.

Duanmujin didn't refute at all, but chose to swallow his breath, which shocked the younger disciples of the Duanmu family.

The faces of the remaining three guards became even more disdainful.

They had already expected that the Duanmu family would not argue with them so much, so they would definitely settle things down.

The teenagers outside the door were shaking with anger.

Even Luo Feng couldn't see it, as if he was infected, he seemed a little angry.

"Are you so bloodless?" Luo Feng was angrily, somewhat hating iron but not steel.

Even if Luo Feng said so, the children of the Duanmu family next to him just gritted their teeth and were filled with righteous indignation, but no one dared to stand up.

In fact, they are the Duanmu family, and this is their site. If someone is willing to take the lead to refuse, these Mu family guards really dare not do anything.

They tried to fight against the guest, apparently deliberately to humiliate the Duanmu family.

Because the Maple Blue Domain is a large domain to which the Mu family belongs, a mere white-moon-collar Duanmu family cannot afford to offend.

The people of the Maple Blue Region, whoever dares to stop wherever they pass, is that other families have encountered them, and they all exist as guests.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered.

"Obviously, they don't just want a good room."

Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu in amazement. He immediately thought of what Duanmuqi and the others said yesterday that Bai Yueling was not the place where Fenglanyu passed through Yatou Town. They came on purpose.

"Also, we must prepare the best dishes cooked by high-ranking monsters, at least a hundred years of wine brewed by the ape clan." The middle-aged man saw that the Duanmu family had compromised, and suddenly spoke again.

And this time, Duanmujin finally had anger in his eyes.

"You guys are in good measure!"


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