Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4519: Anti-customer

The Duanmu family finally got angry.

What kind of cultivation is the superior monster beast?

Although the weakest high-level monster beast only has the cultivation base of the Divine Palace realm, the highest-level high-level monster beast is already beyond the Three Spirit Realm, that is, the Hedao Realm, or even higher.

Of course, the cloud winged wolf like the set Jingming is also the cultivation base of the upper demon beast, but the cloud winged wolf is the bloodline of the earth, and the juvenile body has the level strength of the upper demon beast. If Xiao Yu is not with abnormal physical power, Nor can it be seriously injured.

And these people from the Maple Blue Territory said that they want the best high-ranking monsters to cook dishes, is it because they want their Patriarch to come forward?

And it's the wine made by the ape clan!

The apes and monkeys have always had the habit of making wine, but for hundreds of years, the little white moon-collar hadn't had it at all.

It's really tolerable or unbearable!

"Don't go too far! We don't owe you anything!"

"Yes, it's our greatest forgiveness to be able to lend you accommodation, and we still have to eat so well! Our elders don't have this treatment!"

"Yes! This is the place of our Duanmu family, you can't live it!"

The younger generation of the Duanmu family is still bloody, although they have not experienced the era of being suppressed and rejected.

But because of this, the blood in their hearts has not been extinguished.


The middle-aged man's eyes dazzled and turned into an afterimage, and then he swept up, and immediately slapped the three disciples of the Duanmu clan who had just spoken.


A blood mark appeared on the faces of the three disciples, and they were shot on the ground.

When Duanmujin saw this, he was immediately furious.

"Noisy!" The middle-aged man hit someone, carrying his hands on his back, very indifferent.

Suddenly, these disciples of the Duanmu family were shocked, and they went to see if the three were injured.

Duanmujin also hurriedly stepped forward to observe, but fortunately, they did not suffer much injury.

"Why hit someone!!" Duanmujin's face flushed, and he was immediately angry.

This middle-aged man hit not only the face of the Duanmu family, but also their hearts!

"Who made you fail to manage your own family's children? Don't you know the truth of misfortune?"

The middle-aged man then sneered: "If it weren't for the sake of our blood relationship, I would have killed you!"

After all, the expressions of the three Duanmu family's children changed, and they became pale instantly.

"You..." Duanmu Jin gritted her teeth with hatred, her face flushed.

He was obviously the steward of the Duanmu family, but he just hesitated, just secretly hating his incompetence.

The middle-aged people became even more disdainful.

Duanmujin's strength was only in the early stage of the pure spirit realm, and he was in the middle stage of the pure spirit realm.

Let's not talk about fighting, Duanmujin has no advantage. Once it starts, it will hurt the harmony of the two families.

This is definitely not Duanmujin, nor is it what the family wants to see.

Duanmujin is not stupid at all, how could he not know that Fenglanyu people are here to find fault, but because of this, Duanmujin can't let these people succeed!

It's just that he didn't expect that this group of people would be so well-informed!

"Inferior people will always be inferior people, and collaterals will always be collaterals." The middle-aged man's expression became even more contemptuous.

All the Duanmu family members in the lobby and outside the door were angry.

However, the guards from these five Maple Blue Regions were proud of their colors, and they were not afraid of the Duanmu Family.

"let's go."

"and many more."


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