Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4520: Fox fake tiger

The Mu family guards were about to leave, but they found that they were stopped by someone, and the voice came from outside the door.

A way out of the crowd, and then a young figure appeared, surprisingly Xiao Yu.

"Brother Yu?" Luo Feng was startled, what did Xiao Yu do?

In his opinion, Xiao Yu was obviously because he couldn't see it, and then stood up for the Duanmu family, but in his opinion, even though he was not angry, it was a matter between the Duanmu family and the Mu family!

He knew very clearly that if he stood up at this time, the relationship between the two families would become more rigid, and he was an outsider!

People in the Duanmu family were a little surprised when they saw Xiao Yu, especially Duanmujin, even more surprised.

"Boy, do you call me?" The middle-aged man's eyes drenched, and he glanced at Xiao Yu, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Of course, a kid in the early stage of the Void Spirit Realm, he couldn't look good.

The few people around him were actually interested in that someone from the Duanmu family dared to stand up. This was their surprise.

"Yes, I call you, and I want to tell you that we will not agree to your rude request just now."

"What are you talking about?" The middle-aged man's eyes shrank, and the eyes of the four people next to him also shone with chill.

But Duanmujin and other Mu family members were all stunned, Xiao Yu actually represented them Duanmu family?

To be honest, they did not react. Just as Duanmujin was about to speak, Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Elder, leave this to me."

Duanmujin is all trapped, leave it to you? You are not from the Duanmu family!

"Boy, which green onion are you? Get out of here!"

One of the men with thick eyebrows gave a cold sigh with a wink look.

The middle-aged man headed coldly glanced up and down the Mu family, and said, "Are there no one in your Duanmu family? Sending such a kid to fool us? Is it looking down on our Fenglan Yu Mu family! ?"

After all, the middle-aged man is one step out, and a very deep aura is swept from his body.

This aura contains a certain powerful pressure and chill in it.

Duanmujin's complexion changed, and she took a few steps back from fear.

The faces of the rest of the Duanmu family's children also changed drastically.

However, Xiao Yu was the only one who was not afraid of fear, and seemed unmoved, letting this momentum rest on him.

"Oh? It turns out to be a bit of a doorway." The middle-aged man sneered with a wink in his eyes.

Xiao Yu was able to face the pressure of his pure spiritual realm without wavering at all, which really surprised him a little bit, of course, it was just a little bit.

What he cared instead was that someone from Duanmu's family stood up and dared to confront him, it was simply looking for death.

Just now the man with thick eyebrows gave a wink, and he took a step, staring at Xiao Yu, and sneered: "You just said that we were rude request?"

"Not bad."

"Oh? What's your identity? It's your turn to speak?"

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "I'm just an idler, I didn't want to be nosy, but you are deceiving too much."

The middle-aged man headed slightly squinted his eyes, an idler would have the cultivation of a virtual spirit realm?

He is obviously impossible to believe.

But in any case, he naturally dismissed the cultivation base of the virtual spirit realm.

"Really?" The man with thick eyebrows grinned, "Then you mean to look down on us, Maple Blue Domain, right?"

Speaking of this, the aura of the virtual spirit realm on the man with thick eyebrows suddenly rose, and Duanmujin's expression changed. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw a shadow swept out.



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