Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4521: A dog minion

The speed of this shadow was so fast that it almost reached the point where the man with thick eyebrows did not respond at all, and then with a "pop", the man with thick eyebrows was slapped and fell to the ground.

And that shadow returned to its original place, it was Xiao Yu astonishingly!

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly drenched, and Duanmu's family was suddenly startled, so fast!

Of course Xiao Yu's posture was very fast just now, and Duanmujin certainly caught it, but was shocked by Xiao Yu's decisive shot.

"Just your strength is ashamed to come out to the superior Keqing room? Are you worthy?" Xiao Yu looked at the man with thick eyebrows who was slapped to the ground by him, his words filled with a certain disdain.


The three Mu family guards were furious and wanted to rush forward, but they were caught by the middle-aged man in the lead.

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly, beckoning them not to be impulsive, while his eyes fell on Xiao Yu's body, and he unexpectedly showed a playful look.

The eyes of the three people behind him became cold, and if they dared to beat their Mu family, it was almost death!

But let them see what this kid is capable of.

The man with thick eyebrows who was beaten by Xiao Yu on the ground was furious. He got up and glared at him: "You are so brave, how dare you hit me?!"

"A dog slave. Not only do I dare to beat you, I dare to kill you too!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's voice fell, his whole aura suddenly changed drastically, and after that he prodded over with his claw.

The golden light flickered, and a fierce and domineering aura suddenly enveloped.

Vaguely, Xiao Yu's protruding claws suddenly pressed against it with a terrifying aura. The wild, ancient, and domineering aura made the face of the man with thick eyebrows change drastically.

Regardless of him, even Duanmujin was moved.

Although the Duanmu family did not have such an amazing magical power, the cold light gleaming in the middle-aged man's eyes grew even stronger.

This aura, although it had erupted from the Void Spirit Realm, it made him feel a kind of crisis.

"Looking for death!" The thick eyebrow man felt that he was insulted. He roared and slapped it out with a palm.

The turquoise palm prints immediately condensed into a three-foot-long hand knife, and that powerful posture was particularly terrifying.

"Maple Blue Territory's Earth-level Spiritualism, Daguazhang!"

The wood hexagram palm is an earth-level spirit technique of the maple blue domain. It is a move that combines the power of the earth and the spiritual power of the wood attribute. It is a small mountain in front of it, which can be split in half. .

The opponent was the same as himself in the early stage of the Void Spirit Realm, but on the superposition of the comprehensive combat power, the method of vomiting and so on, Xiao Yu did not even look straight.

His five claws have already been probing out, but he suddenly pulled back in the middle, and then his five fingers were brought together, his eyes flashed with an astonishing cold light, and his fists went straight back and forth, like a crossbow shooting, crashing. Exploded out.


The hand of the man with thick eyebrows was broken instantly, and then with a "crack", his hand was fractured on the spot, and Xiao Yu fisted straight in, stepping out and hitting the man with thick eyebrows directly on the chest.



The thick eyebrowed man shrank his pupils, his chest sank half a fist, his whole body was shot out on the spot, and hit the wall severely. The wall suddenly cracked, and he burst out with blood, and he was seriously injured and unconscious. past.


The pupils of the Mu Family guards suddenly shrank.

"Unbearable." Xiao Yu shook his head in disdain.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.


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