Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4522: Xiao Yu's provocation

"Brother Yu is great!" Luo Feng was the first to cheer, looking a little excited.

He has long looked down upon the faces of these people.

Even though he didn't know why Xiao Yu couldn't help but get angry so much, he was of course happy to see the Mu Family guys being beaten up.

If he couldn't make a move, couldn't Xiao Yu make a move yet!

Duanmujin's face changed. He actually didn't like the Mu Family. Of course he was happy to see Xiao Yu's move.

But in this way, it is tantamount to hurting the harmony of the two families!

How can this be good?

"Good!" The young children of the Duanmu family also cheered.

Someone finally came up for them. How could they be unhappy?

These arrogant guys, they naturally wanted to teach them a lesson.

Duanmujin sighed inwardly and secretly said nothing.

Xiao Yu is not a member of the Duanmu family, so it has nothing to do with them.

But why Duanmujin didn't know, Xiao Yu couldn't see it when he shot, and also helped them Duanmu family!

Just ask, how could he blame Xiao Yu?

"Boy, you are so brave!!"

The three guards of the Mu family were immediately angry, and they took a step and stared at Xiao Yu.

Maple Blue Domain Mu Family, although not walking sideways in the Coffin Continent, Maple Blue Domain was ordered to **** the family's genius to the Mu Family Clan to train!

This is the Mu Family clan. Who in the Coffin Continent would dare not respect it?

This guy from the Duanmu family is so presumptuous and hurt their people, so what a face is there! ?


Xiao Yu disdainfully said: "The dog is in a hurry to jump off the wall? This is the Duanmu family, not your Mu family. If you want to turn away from the guest, you don't look at your own strength."

"You..." The three Mu guards' faces flushed, while the middle-aged man's face sank slightly.

Fearing that the world would not be chaotic, Luo Feng immediately roared: "That is, he has no ability to be defeated. This is your own problem. Do you want a good guest room? Let's talk about winning brother Yu!"

These children of the Duanmu family were immediately ignited.

Although Xiao Yu was not from their Duanmu family, they were all stupid. Xiao Yu stood up and stood up for them!

And for Xiao Yu, they already admired it very much yesterday.

A person with the strength of the Void Spirit Realm dared to break into the Burning Fire alone, and then came out safe and sound!

Then the family said that Burning Fire had completely disappeared!

It was taken by this person!

This really shocked them.

Fen Huo has been burning in the hearts of these children's parents and himself for decades, and has always been a heart-sick existence.

Although they also know that the real burning fire is definitely not the only power.

The real burning fire is enough to burn all of their white moon collars.

However, just such a young man in the virtual spirit realm can do something that even their Patriarch, or even the Duanmu family, has not done for decades. Isn't it shocking?

They didn't care about Xiao Yu's identity or who he was. Now Xiao Yu stepped up to show them a little hope, which was their spiritual pillar.

Of course, they still didn't dare to make a fuss, because the Mu Family's guards were actually not weak, especially the middle-aged headed person, whose strength reached the middle stage of the Pure Spirit Realm, which was stronger than Duanmu Jin.

"So, you are going to provoke us, right?"


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