Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4523: Three punch down

The three guards stepped forward at the same time, three of them were in the virtual spirit realm, and even two were in the late stage of the virtual spirit realm. This kind of momentum rolled out, making everyone in the lobby a little heavy.

In fact, Bai Yueling was not much better than Qingmu Town.

The strongest person in Qingmu Town is Mu Hong, the cultivation base of He Dao Realm.

And Baiyueling is an area with a history of more than one hundred years, and it is also one of the ancient family land of Duanmu family.

But that's the case, Duanmu Mingshan, the Patriarch of the Duanmu Clan, the leader of the White Moon, was no more than the cultivation base of the Dao Realm.

It's just that the Duanmu family has a relatively long history.

It's no wonder that several guards of this Mu family would be so disdainful of Duan Mu family.

Because the five guards are just running errands, not the strongest in the **** team!

But even so, it is enough to make all the Duanmu family feel great pressure in the lobby.

When Duanmujin saw this, his face changed slightly, he immediately stood up and said, "Everyone, discuss things carefully."

"Discuss a fart! Your guy hurt my brother, how does this count?" a long-haired man said angrily.

Duanmujin was speechless, but he still took a deep breath and said: "Competitions are inevitable, injuries are inevitable, and we are willing to take care of them."

Seeing this, Xiao Yu still sighed again and again.

Obviously it’s not the Duanmu family’s problem. They were the first to provoke trouble, aggressive, fierce and evil, obviously they were deliberately making trouble. In his opinion, he had already taken action and had hurt his harmony, but Duanmujin was in a state of reconciliation. , This made Xiao Yu very helpless.

But officially because of this, Xiao Yu was even more certain that he would take action.

"What is your Duanmu family? You still need you to heal? If we don't interrupt this kid's legs today, we will never end with you Duanmu family!"

"Do it!"

Having said that, the three guards immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Duanmujin's face changed drastically and he was about to take a step forward, but the middle-aged man in front of him gave a sullen look, a kind of great pressure, as if a huge wall was blocking him.

Duanmujin's face changed again, looking at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man remained silent, but his eyes flickered, as if saying that it is best not to interfere. This is a matter between them.

Of course, Duanmujin couldn't intervene even if he wanted to intervene, just because the opponent's realm of strength was higher than him, in terms of momentum, he had already stabilized himself.

In addition, the three people in the field have already besieged Xiao Yu.

"Be careful!" Duanmujin suddenly shouted.

The children of the Duanmu family didn't expect this group of people to be too presumptuous, and three of them were dispatched at the same time.

But how did they know that for them, Xiao Yu was just like eating lettuce.

"Fluorescent fire."

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, he even carried one hand on his back, stepped out in one step, body like a wild goose, golden light flashed, and immediately flashed a coherent but winding trajectory in the field.

"Boom boom!"

Xiao Yu hit three punches instantly, punches to the flesh, the power contained in each punch can be said to be enough to kill a virtual spirit realm.

The three figures flew upside down at the same time, and even they didn't have time to react this time. They didn't even see the traces of Xiao Yu, and they felt as uncomfortable as a huge boulder in their chest.

"How is it possible!?" The middle-aged man finally shrank his pupils, and his face instantly stiffened.

"Boom bang bang!"

The three fell heavily, vomiting blood, and almost passed out.

The venue fell silent again.

"Is there no one in the Mu family?"


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