Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4524: Beat Dog Legs (Part 1)

Hearing this, even the Duanmu family took a sigh of relief.

What a pride and self-confidence it is to be able to say such a thing! ?

But how did he know that Xiao Yu single-handedly rushed through the gates of Qingmu Town alone, with great force, and killed hundreds of Mu family children.

In the mere virtual spirit realm, there are ten or eight, and he can handle it easily.

Don't forget, the gap between each great realm in the Three Spirits is actually very small.

In addition, Xiao Yu was not an ordinary Void Spirit Realm.

Putting it all together, Xiao Yu would not seem to have much difficulty in killing these five people.

"it is good!"

"Brother Yu is mighty!"

This group of Duanmu's children cheered suddenly. Although they didn't know what Xiao Yu was called, but when Luo Feng called that, they also followed.

They are just teenagers to 20 years old, of course they are full-blooded, swearing Fang Qiu, as a young man.

Now it's their family being bullied, and some people stand up, how could they be unhappy.

Of course, what they admire more is that Xiao Yu is really too good.

"Oh my God, I didn't even see how he did it."

"I am also in the Void Spirit Realm, but I can't do it like this!"

"It's so amazing, no wonder it can get out of it without any problems."

The children of the Duanmu family, even some of the virtual spirit realm, were all amazed.

Their kind and humble attitude made Luo Feng a little uncomfortable in them.

Luo Feng muttered in his heart: "It seems that I am used to seeing those villains, and I am not used to it anymore."

Indeed, it is actually easy to understand.

In the academy, everyone is jealous and jealous of talents, especially those students from the Cangling City local area, who are not good at seeing people from the outer continent.

Those cynics, hypocrisy, and deceit, compared with the kind-hearted children of Duanmu family, there is indeed a big contrast.

Duanmujin's whole body was dull, Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness was really terrifying.

Just now he obviously felt Xiao Yu's power sublimation and urging again, and then he felt a strange metallic force burst out in an instant.

And at the moment when he punched out his fist, Duanmujin clearly felt the physical power that burst out instantly.

With so many years of experience, what he can conclude is that the rank of this kind of physical power is definitely not bad!

"Boy, you are very arrogant! Just let me know you for a while!"

The middle-aged man finally couldn't help it anymore. He shouted angrily, and then stepped out, with a palm to suppress Xiao Yu.

An astonishing momentum and pressure enveloped him, his palms were the same as those of his companions just now, but he was even more fierce and murderous.

This is a heavy hand!

Duanmujin's complexion changed again, under the heavy hand, even if he did not die, he would lose several layers of skin!

"Be careful!"

But facing the palm of the middle-aged man, Xiao Yu didn't even blink his eyelids. He said faintly, "Small bugs."

And just when the opponent's palm was about to approach, Xiao Yu made a wrong footstep and stepped on golden light, so he dodged like this.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu slammed his shoulder suddenly, like a small mountain.

Before a while, the middle-aged man's pupils shrank, and he actually felt an astonishing pressure of qi and blood pressure, as if he could crush his entire physical body.



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