Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4528: Confronting Mu Haohui (Part 2)

The children of the Duanmu family who were still talking a while ago are now showing a look of worry.

"It's because this young master of Maple Blue Domain is not only a double repairer, but also has a great reputation. In addition, at the annual sacrificial meeting, Maple Blue Domain will deliberately target us." A Duanmu family's younger brother looked a little angry.

"Sacrificial meeting? Is it a kind of gathering where the Mu family and your Duanmu family pay homage to their ancestors?" Luo Feng asked.

Since the Mu family was separated from the Duanmu family, in general, they only have different surnames, but they all shed blood from the same ancestor, the oldest!

Therefore, since it is a sacrificial meeting, of course they are participating together.

And at so many ceremonial meetings, Baiyueling's Duanmu family and Fenglanyu's Mu family certainly knew each other.

"I went to a sacrificial meeting last year. At that time, Mu Haohui and his father, the domain owner of Fenglanyu, went there together. At that time, we lived in a place with Fenglanyu for a holiday. Uncle Jin was also there. We were wrong, but we chose to keep things quiet." The child of the Duanmu family was obviously a little angry.

And Luo Feng also knew why Duanmujin had such a surprised expression when he saw Mu Haohui.

"Jin Guan, we still have a fate, but I didn't expect that this is your way of hospitality?" Mu Haohui said with a sneer.

Duanmujin was really hard to argue this time, but he didn't blame Xiao Yu. He wanted to stand up, but Xiao Yu took a step forward and said indifferently: "This matter has nothing to do with Uncle Jin. I can't see it. from."

Luo Feng was stunned, wondering if this is Brother Yu I know?

His view on Xiao Yu's character is that the latter will not take the initiative to pick things up again, but he is not afraid of things.

Moreover, Luo Feng had heard of how brave and arrogant Xiao Yu was when he was in a lower plane.

It was only after coming to the academy that Xiao Yu converged a lot.

So in the academy, Xiao Yu never took the initiative to provoke others, and was a very passive one.

"Brother Yu is thinking..." Luo Feng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

In fact, Mu Haohui had always been staring at Xiao Yu, because Xiao Yu was standing in the middle of the field, and Duanmu Jin was behind.

Coupled with his understanding of the Duanmu family, the Duanmu family will definitely choose to settle things down, but he was wrong, and a young man suddenly appeared here.

This young man is not much different from his own age, Mu Haohui glanced up and down, full of surprise in his heart.

He can be regarded as a genius child who has seen a lot of wind and waves. In this person, he actually felt a kind of calmness like a mountain.

Thick, calm, and profound are his first feelings, and there is also a light breath that seems familiar.

Mu Haohui's eyes flickered and said, "You are not from the Duanmu family."

"What!?" The guards were suddenly startled.

Yes, they just remembered now that the maneuver that the man used just now had no spiritual skills related to life or even wood attributes.

But who is this person?

All five young men and women in Fenglanyu stared at Xiao Yu.

Who doesn't know the character of Duanmu family?

Everyone knows that the Duanmu family basically does not entertain foreigners.

But they also knew in their hearts that they were able to defeat all five of their guards with the strength of the Void Spirit Realm. This background is worthy of attention.

However, they did not expect that Xiao Yu would utter such arrogant words--

"Am I from the Duanmu family? Are you from the Duanmu family?"

Suddenly, Mu Haohui's five faces suddenly sank.


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