Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4529: Long shadow step

"Duanmuqi, do you think this matter can be solved by you with just one sentence? Duanmu Mingshan is here, and I have to seek justice for my people." Mu Haohui said coldly.

Not many people came to Feng Lan Yu this time. Although they wanted to rebel against the guest, they thought they had a chance to win, but suddenly they killed such a kid, injured their people, and put Feng Lan Yu to shame.

Another key point is that Mu Haohui wanted to lead the power in Baiyue and give Duanmu a killer stick.

Now that the killer stick is gone, how can he explain to himself if he doesn't find his face?

Fenglan Yu was used to being proud, and Mu Haohui had to stand up in the face of a small white moon collar.

Xiao Yu said softly: "Shuang Xiu? But your fate, I'm afraid it won't be better. Looking for face, Bai Yueling is not where you came."

"It seems that you are very confident!" Mu Haohui's eyes were murderous, his aura suddenly exploded slightly on the side of his body.

"Boom!" With a sound, his aura shrouded like a sea wave and rolled towards Xiao Yu.

"Pure Spirit Realm Late Stage!"

Everyone was slightly surprised, that blame Mu Haohui's reputation is so big, and even a big power has appointed him internally, but he didn't expect his spiritual power cultivation to reach such a level.

"I'm really curious. Your guard strength is lower than yours. How come you are a little more guardian? Didn't you come here to visit the mountains and play?" Xiao Yu said with interest.

Who knows, Xiao Yu's words completely changed the faces of the four men and women behind Mu Haohui, but they quickly recovered, but they became a kind of chill after recovery.

Mu Haohui remained silent, but deep in his eyes, there was an astonishing murderous intent.

"Friends, be careful to speak out. Arrogant people often die quickly."

"I feel that the ambition is too great, and those who have the ability to die faster." Xiao Yu said sarcastically.

"Really? Then I have to try."


Mu Haohui stomped the ground, and rushed towards Xiao Yu in a moment.

His figure instantly carried a dark green afterimage. Wherever he passed, the spiritual power of heaven and earth condensed crazily, unexpectedly forming dozens of green shadows.

"This...Isn't this our Duanmu family's superior earth-level body technique, long shadow step?" An elder of the Duanmu family suddenly exclaimed.

Long Shadow Step, Earth-level Body Magic Spirituality, is said to belong to the Duanmu family, but it can also be said to belong to the Mu family.

However, Long Shadow Step is a very powerful body technique, which has very high requirements for talent.

Duanmuqi took a deep breath. This kind of spirituality was only recorded in their Duanmu family's genealogy, and it was brought out when the Mu family was separated.

Once the long shadow step is deployed, it can confuse the opponent, and while the speed is extremely fast, it can make people unable to distinguish which shadow or body is the real attacking subject.

Just because among the dozens of shadows, the speed is so fast that it can even hide the offensive in an instant, making it impossible to guess which body or shadow hit it, and it is easy to be surprised.

Sure enough, there were dozens of shadows in front of Xiao Yu, including Mu Haohui's homeland at the front.

And these dozens of shadows are all shot at the same time!

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, controlling his soul with his heart, and his heart-soul state opened!

"That's it!"

Xiao Yu gave a chuckle, and in the dozens of shadows of the opponent, he hit a punch at the same time. From the outside, it seemed that Xiao Yu was about to receive dozens of punches.

"Happened! The person who met Long Shadow Step for the first time didn't know its secrets at all! And I don't know whether it was punching at the same time or one of the shadows punching!" Duanmujin said anxiously.

"Yes, even if it is sensed that only one of the offensives is real, and the others are illusory, it is difficult to analyze and judge the real offensive among dozens of shadows in an instant." Duanmuqi said in a deep voice.

The Duanmu family immediately held their breath, seeing that dozens of punches were about to fall on Xiao Yu!


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