Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4535: Bad premonition (part 2)

Speaking of this, Luo Feng also woke up to something and said: "No wonder! Such a large area is much stronger than Qingmu Town. How can there be only five guards? The strongest is the Pure Spirit Realm."

"Although the Mu family has very great rights and status in the Coffin Continent, no one dares to move them, but the guards invited by Qingmu Town are all in the pure spirit realm to protect you. They are only five people. That strong strength is not as good as Mu Haohui!"

Xiao Yu smiled meaningfully and said, "Also they came here deliberately. I seem to have guessed what they are going to do."

"doing what!?"

"If I guess it's right, it will come to light in a few days."


In the next day, in an instant, the entire Duanmu home became lively.

Or to put it this way, the entire White Moon Collar was full of excitement. The reason was that there was a group of people in Baiyue Town that day, and this group of people came from Fenglan Domain!

"Maple Blue Domain again!? Who are they?"

Looking at the dozens of people on the street, the white moon-collared people on both sides were all surprised.

This group of people is fierce, with a cold look in their eyes, vaguely superior.

Of course they recognized this kind of costume, which was the costume of Mu Haohui's group two days ago!

But why are so many people here suddenly?

"Could it be two days ago?"

"You mean someone in the Duanmu family injured the guards of Maple Blue Domain, and also suppressed the Young Master of Maple Blue Domain, so that they could breathe out?"

These people in Baiyue Town suddenly looked aside.

Of course they had heard about the incident two days ago. After all, although it was some internal struggle, paper cannot contain the fire.

After all, what you need to know is that Feng Lanyu has come to their white moon-collar with such a big fanfare, and they have to stay in Duanmu's house. It is not an ordinary thing at all!

"But I heard that it was the kid who made the fire that day."

"Yes, I also saw him strolling on the street, and I heard that this kid is also a guest of Duanmu's family."

"Hey, it goes without saying that I can't see it, so I chose to shoot."

"But isn't this a bad thing? The Young Master of Maple Blue Territory must be unable to swallow this breath. He deliberately brought someone to inquire!"

Many people in Baiyue Town are beginning to worry about the safety of Duanmu's family.

From a certain point of view, Duanmu family is the spiritual pillar of everyone in Baiyueling!

At this time, within Duanmu's house.

In the lobby, Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmuqi, Duanmu Zelin, and a kind of elders are all here, and their faces seem to be a little heavy.

After a while, Duanmujin led several Duanmu family disciples hurriedly over.

"Uncle Jin, what's wrong?" Duanmu Mingshan asked quickly.

Everyone looked at Duanmujin.

Duanmu's family walked in a hurry, there was less sweat on his forehead, and he looked a little nervous, but he was a little relieved and said: "They didn't embarrass us, they have already arranged to move in."

"Fortunately, they are not here to make trouble, I am afraid they are here to avenge Mu Haohui and the others."

"They won't be so stingy, after all, we all keep the same blood, but the last name is different."

"But I think I'd better send that kid away, otherwise I'm really afraid that there will be many dreams in the night, and even our white moon-collar will be hurt."

Although they didn't mean to blame Xiao Yu in their words, after all, Xiao Yu was also trying to help them.

The kind people just wanted to send Xiao Yu away.

For one thing, it can avoid the Fenglan domain dignitaries, who are difficult to do in the Duanmu family. Secondly, they were really afraid that Xiao Yu would cause trouble.

But when he heard this, Duanmu Mingshan and Duanmuqi frowned, and there was a crisis in their eyes.

"I think things are probably not as simple as everyone thinks."


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