Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4536: Out of the Water (Part 1)

Duanmuqi spoke, and his face became a little heavy.

"Aqi, what do you mean by this?" Duanmu Zelin asked.

"I'm afraid the thing you most want to see is about to happen." Duanmuqi sighed.

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes flickered, and after all, it dimmed.

"I didn't expect them to travel thousands of miles to do this."

Everyone was confused and anxious. They could feel the powerlessness in the words of Duanmu Mingshan and Duanmuqi.

"Patriarch, what happened?" Duanmujin asked quickly.

Duanmuqi sighed and said: "Elders and uncles, what day is tomorrow?"

Duanmu Zelin's pupils shrank and moved, and said: "Fifteen!"

"Yes, tomorrow is fifteen, what's the matter..." The elder of the Duanmu family said, his face suddenly changed.

Everyone finally reacted, Duanmujin exclaimed: "They are for the essence of Baiyuejing!!"

They finally figured out something, and everything seemed to be the truth.

Why did the people from Mapleland happen to come to them a few days before the fifteenth, and why they have so many people now!

The reason is probably only the essence of Baiyuejing.

"That's not right, only members of the family know the secret of our Baiyuejing! How is it possible?"

Baiyuejing is at the end of Baiyueling. Among them, more than a dozen Duanmu masters are guarding the first checkpoint. There is even a second checkpoint near Baiyuejing. It can be said that the people in Baiyue Town are It's impossible to get close.

Even Bai Yueling's other members of the Duanmu family would not know.

For so many years, the Duanmu family has kept this secret, and the children of their own family will never reveal it.

"The big tree has dead branches, not to mention that paper can't contain fire." Duanmu Mingshan's eyes did not have that kind of anger, and some were just a sadness.

They all know what Duanmu Mingshan is talking about.

In fact, from the separation of the Duanmu family and the Mu family until now, there have been people from the Duanmu family who have left the Duanmu family and chose to change their surnames to embrace the Mu family.

Even someone from the Duanmu clan would do this, not to mention Baiyueling.

"Damn it!! This is a betrayal of the family!! I must punish them severely if I catch them!!" An elder suddenly said angrily.

Everyone felt discouraged.

Although, from a certain perspective, this is not a big crime.

The essence of Baiyuejing belongs to the Duanmu family of Baiyueling, and can only be swallowed and used by his own family's children.

Now that it is known, it will only take one more month at most.

However, to a certain extent, the Duanmu family, which was already in decline, has made even worse.

The Duanmu family has alchemists who need to be trained. They don't have too many external elixir, cultivation techniques and other resources. Most of them can only rely on the essence of Baiyuejing to improve their cultivation.

Now letting them wait for one more month will undoubtedly make the family's children even lose confidence in the Duanmu family.

As a result, there will be more Duanmu family dissatisfied with the family, and then choose to leave the family.

This kind of vicious circle is something they don't want to see. In the end, when it reaches a serious level, the family will be fragmented, which is very terrifying.

After all, they all know that the younger Duanmu children are actually full of blood. To appease the hearts of the family children, then the family must do something decent.

Duanmu Mingshan waved his hand and said, "The most important issue now is tomorrow's fifteenth. What should I do?"

"We can never give in!" a middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Yes, if we regress, this matter spreads to the ears of other Mu family members, then the quietness of our white moon-collar is disturbed!?"

"They have the Harmony Realm, so do we! If they shrink this time, how can the children of the family see us?"

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes flickered. He did not speak, but the people in the entire lobby fell into silence.


And in another room.

"Brother Yu, I didn't expect it to be as you expected, they actually came for the essence of Baiyuejing."

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